My analysis
Andre Hazes is the archetypical depressive ('serious style') folk singer; his songs are about sadness, lonelines and love lost. He's rather extreme in his style, his face expresses a sad, melancholic mind. Andre suppresses his depressive feelings with beer and sausages, he's really fat. He's so succesful commercially because he naturally feels the blues he's singing about, has experienced many relational problems.
In accordance with his personal wish, Andre's ashes were dispersed over the North sea in a gigantic ASS ROCKET. Approx. 2,5 million viewers watched the event, broadcast live on Dutch television.
Andre's children had their father's name tattooed on their bodies with ink made from his ashes.
The ravenous, sausage-devouring Andre drank up to a hundred beers per day, every day, setting an example for all of us.