Naku_vamp's forum posts
Dude mac sucks iv used both macs and windows and iv ever only owned widnows...there basiclaly is no games formac theres teh diffrence and the ones that do better on windows and are like 3 years old by the time they even come out for mac
And photoshop runs better on a freaking windows computer >.> the only thing i can say i like about mac is garage band and it seems to have good memory bad mac has nothing for the memory to accually need to work...
Well i just got vista its not to bad the asking permission every 2 seconds to do stuff gets annoying and its not 100% compatible with my sound drivers and its all up to date and it nmakes weird cracly noises when a sound starts but it doenst do it with constant sound like a game music of video but so far its been pretty good to me
But iv only had it for one day and i only have rome total war and medievial totalwar 2 installed so yeah
Does anyone know how to play medevil total war 2 or Rome total war in windowed mode in windows vista
I know alot of stuff works by adding -W or -Windowed at teh end of the target but when i do it for these games it says "______ has experianced a fatal error and will now exit"
so is there another way?
I wouldnt go less than Dsl for gameing
Plus you never speicifed what your trying to play nor whats in your pc if your pc is crap its gonna lag just because of the fact your computer can't process what its doing fast enough.
You can have the best connection ever if your computer isnt fit to run the game your gonna lag...and vise versa u can have an awsome computer but have a crap connection your gonna lag
Ok i just installed Windows vista Homebasic today and updated everything welli have a quite annoying problem
Alot of the time when try to use Pc featers (like opening my computer or the search) it opens then says "windows exporor has incountered a problem and is restarted" and eveyrthing dissaperas and re appers well on searc teh window accually completally closes and on my copmputer and stuff it just comes back up and works fine
and i kno wmy pc can run this i have 2gb of ram an Amd daul core 4600 250gb hard drive and a geforce 7600 GT
anyone know how to fix this?
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