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NaleyForeverOTH Blog

I should really go to bed.....

Hey all!

Well its 12.30pm and I am ery tired. But I cant bring myself to log off msn. Im talking to my friend Colm, and I have been for the past 3 hours... nearly 4. Yeah so we're bascially talking anout nothing! The best kind of converstion! :D

Just a quick blog to say that

ITS MY BIRTHDAY IN 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think, Im too tired to count properly!)

OMG we went to the zoo today.... HILARIOUS!

Meh, Ill blog about it tomorrow!

Enjoy One Tree Hill. Pray for more Naley sex! lol

Ciara xxxxxxxx

Sweet Sixteen! and I am 82% obsessed with my looks!

Hey guys, long time no blog!

Im not the worlds biggest fan of right now, the One Tree Hill boards have kinda ruined it for me. I mean we were all totally content with having the Naley, Brucas and Leyton threads. The new (well, slightly new) 'Only one Off The Topic thread' rule is ridiculous! :cry: I miss everyone!

Aside from that, its my birthday in a week! Yay! This time next week I will be 16!! PARTY! Im really looking froward to it. Im not having a lavish party like those on MTV, Ill just go out with my friends.

And Happy Birthday to Eleanor (---Els---). She turns 16 today! :D :D :D

One Tree Hill was slughtly boring last week. But when Nathan rippped off his shirt... well! That just made the episode for me. And Naley are finally back together! Im sooo happy.

Survey time!

you own:

[x] straightener
[x] curling iron
[x] mousse
[x] hairspray

[ ] gel
[x] other sprays
[x] bobby pins
[x] round barrel brush
[x] blow dryer
[x] mirror

[ ] you have dyed your hair
[ ] you have or had highlights
Total: 9


[x] black eyeliner
[x] other color eyeliner
[x] eye shadow
[x] mascara

[ ] fake eyelashes
[x] eyelash curler
[x] eye shimmer

[ ] colored contacts
[x] stunna shades
[x]eye makeup remover

Total so far: 8

[x] clear lip gloss
[x] red or pink gloss
[x] lip stick
[x] chapstick

[ ] lip plumper
[x] electric toothbrush
[ ] teeth whitener
[x] lip liner
[x] more than 15 lipglosses
[x] toothpaste

Total so far: 8

Complexion/Overall face
[x] blush
[x] moisturizer
[x] face wash
[x] bronzer
[x] makeup remover
[x] face wipes
[x] powder
[x]cover up

Total so far: 8

[x] nail polish
[x] filer
[x] nail clipper
[x] nail buffer
[x] cuticle remover
[x] nail hardener
[x] nail brush
[x] Fake nails
[x] nail scissors

Total so far: 9

Overall Total: 41
Now, add your score and multiply it by 2.
Then, repost as 'I am 82% obsessed with my looks'

Thats a lot..... :roll:

Ciara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Poland '08, such a great trip!

Hey :)

I thought Id write a blog to fill you all in on whats been going on lately.... and coz Im bored. I felt kinda sick when I went into school, then Niamh decided that she wanted to skip first c l @ $ $, english, so she made me go home sick :D. I wasnt feeling that bad but she brought me to my teacher anyway. We were laughing the whole time while we were talking to our teacher, she told me that I loked pale and I was like 'thanks :roll:, and then she said that although my nail varnish (pink) was lovely, it had to go :roll:. I hate school rules! She called my dad and then I went home, and here I am.


Poland was amazing! One of the best holidays I have EVER been one.

We had to leave for the airport at like 4.15am to be there for 5. Sandra was picking me up, but Sand being Sand picked me up and 4.55am...... we had 5 minutes to get to the airport, and to top it all off, we had to get gas on the way. It was such a rush to get there but we made it by 5.15 (check in wasnt till 5.30). We got there and gave everyone there hoodies (we had gotten hoodies printed for our whole year. Theyre so cool, theyre navy with hot pink writing with 'POLAND '08' down the sleve and our nicknames on the back. Mine says 'Dity'. So we gave them out and the fifth years were soo jealous... (we didnt get hoodies for them coz that meant that between 5 of us, we would have had to carry 60 hoodies to the airport.... I DONT THINK SO!)

The plane was about 3 hours long. I felt really sick on the way over which is weird coz I dont mind flying. But I was fine eventually. Before going to the hotel we had a walking tour of Krakow... it took 3 HOURS! 3! We had all been awake since like 4 and then our teachers expected us to walk around the place for 3 hours.... we were not impressed! (I will refer to someone as 'the b!tch' in the next few paragraphs! Its the girl who asked the teacher to change our rooms so she could be with us..... :roll: )

Finally we got to our hotel and got the sleeping arangements.I was sharing with Niamh and Sand (:D) and this other girl.... who I hate! ----Els--- also ranted about her in her blog so read that! It was ridiculous, she heard that Niamh and Sand and I were sharing and she couldnt take it, (shes a bit in love with Sand...... :roll: and she went up to teacher and made the switch the rooms.... WITHOUT ASKING US! Ohh I hate her! So there was beds.. three singles and a double. The double was on the other side of the room so we gave that to the b!tch, and then Niamh and Sand and I pushed our beds together. I was in the middle, but whatever way the beds were made there was a tiny gap between my bed and Sands bed. We liked to call it the 'trench'. So she slept in my bed. Niamh and the b!tch would always go to sleep first every night so Sand and I would stay up till like 3 or 4 every morning talking, singing or playing would you rathar.... hiliarous. One of the teachers was staying across the hall from us and she kept coming and and telling us to be quiet! She became a regular in that room, but she likes us, so its fine.

We had dinner.. which was full of salt. Lovely as you can probably imagne :roll: Then we went to a water park. My friend Frankie and I started talking to these Polish guys who were REALLY hot! Then he asked if I could swim well and I said 'I think so' so he lifted me up and dunked me into the water! I tried to get him but he was just so damn tall! Then he said something like 'Polish girls really like that.... do Irish girls?' I was like 'Nope, not really'. (I really wasnt impressed and then he kept following me and Frankie!). Aside from that the water park was sooo good. Niamh and I went on all the big slides (there were two of each so we went on them at the same time) so we screamed all the way down. It was very funny. Then we went back to the hotel and went to bed... We set our alarms to wake up early coz we had to wash our hair. But the next morning the b!tch turned off our alarms and didnt wake us up.....! I was soooo p*ssed!.. Anyway, during the night the hotel phone started to ring. Then we could hear someone tapping the walls and then someone shoved notes under the door. Sand and I were too afraid to get up so we woke up Niamh to get them. She wasnt impressed! Sand was litreally attached to me... she kept saying 'Ciara, Im really scared' (I was too, but I didnt want to scare her even more by saying it). Then the phone rang again.... and we heard a faint 'hello'. So we hung up. Niamh then read the notes and they read 'Its room 401.... open the door'. We opened the dorr and looked down the all and saw 5 heads peeping out of the other door. It was our friends Orlagh, Dani, etc. They came up to our room and stayed for a few hours. When they left Sand and I stayed up even longer. We were exhausted the next day, but it was all worth it! :D :)

The next day we woke up late coz SOMEONE turned off our alarms....! our other friends brought some breakfast up to our room beacuse we didnt have time to get it! And the b!tch kept saying that it was Niamhs fault :roll: ! But by the time we woke up she was already awake and dressed! Ughh! :(

We went shopping in a huge mall. A lot of things in Poland are like a third cheaper, but MAC make up is not! We were soo annoyed, but anyway, we got lots in Sephora (A european make up store, that shockingly isnt in Ireland:roll:)) While we were there one of my friends bought a pet mouse in the pet shop! He cost like three euro. No one knew anything about it, I was one of the first to know. Roisin stood in fromt of me and told me that I couldnt tell anyone.... then she held out the mouse (who we named JB... Jack Black) and I SCREAMED soooo loudly. Apparently the whole floor heard! I hate mice... their tails freak me out :cry: ! Eventually when I calmed down she told me the story. A lot of people thought it was really cruel.... I wasnt sure, but he was pretty cute so I liked him (although I never touched him).

Thats all I can type right now... my fingers are sore :cry: !! I hope you arent asleep after that blog.... its pretty long. I have another bit to do and some pics to post, Ill do that later.

And again, sorry I havent commented on any of your blogs :(. Ill try to catch up soon! :D

Ciara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

One Tree Hill Favourites!

Hey! So I havent blogged in a while and I found this quiz on MyOneTreeHills profile. Thank you by the way xx. This quiz is my attempt to speed up the four months until season 5.................. still October???? Ah well was worth a shot. So here we go:

Favorite Character: Brooke

Favorite Actress/Actor: Sophia Bush/James Lafferty

Favorite Couple: Naley (but lately I'm in a very Brucas mood!)

Least Favourite Couple: Leyton. (Brucas all the way!)

Favorite Friendship: Brooke/Peyton/Haley

Favorite Family Relationship: Nathan and Lucas as brothers.

Favorite New Character: Skillz- there's just no competition.

Least Favorite Character: Daunte/ Rachel (when she was in love with Nathan) /Chris Keller in season 2. But he was so funny in season 3 and 4. I didn't like Deb in season 4, she was a bit pointless.

Most Missed Character: JAKE. I really think that if Jake came back Peyton would realise that she is meant to be with him. That would leave Brooke and Lucas to get back together, and leave me VERY happy! And Bryan Greenberg is really hot. I saw him in Prime a couple of weeks ago and OMG- amazing!

Favorite 'Love to Hate' Character: Dan. There would be hardly any drama without him and I would have no-one to argue about with Laura! LOL

Favorite 'Laugh-Out-Loud' Character: Skillz.(he's the male version of my friend Sandra as I've told her countless amounts of times! LOL)

Favorite Comedic Episode: 'Every Night Is Another Story'/ 'I Will Dare' / 'Truth, Bitter Truth'/ 'Over The Hills And Far Away'/ 'Resolve'

Favorite Romantic Episode: 'How A Resurrection Really Feels'/ 'The Wind That Blew My Heart Away' (Naley and Brucas!)

Episodes that Made Me Cry: Ehh.... can I say all of them ????LOL. Here are the ones I teared up at-'Hanging By A Moment', 'The Hero Dies In This One', 'Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking', 'I'm Wide Awake It's Morning' 'What Could Have Been', 'Like You Like An Arsonist', 'The Wind That Blew My Heart Away', 'With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept', 'The Show Must Go On', 'I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness (Nathans speech)', 'Some You Give Away', 'Songs To Love And Die By' 'All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone'(Karens speech). And the one where Whitey gives his speech about loving Camilia in season 4 was such a tear jerker! So, yes I cry a lot at One Tree Hill.Well, 13 episodes out of 4 seasons isn't that bad, is it? LOL.

Favorite Episode Overall: 'SomeYou Give Away' (although I didn't like Leyton or the car crash.) and 'All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone'. Also 'With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept' is definetly one of the greatest episodes ever.

Favorite Quote: I have a few but the one that comes to mind right now is Brooke- 'Someone once said it's the good girls who keep diaries, the bad girls never have the time. Me, I just wanna live a life Im gonna remember, even if I don't write it down.

Favorite One-Liner: Chris to Nathan- 'Dude, totally not mine!' (LMAO!) Or 'Go Brooke yourself' is a great way to find OTH fans. I said it the other day and a girl at school turned around and said 'OMG do you watch One Tree Hill'! LOL

Favorite Speech: Thats easy! Brooke to Lucas in 'The Show Must Go On'. 'How about they way you show it? I am not pushing you away, I am holding on for dear life but I need you to need me back. Why didn't you tell me about the kiss and why didn't you call me while you were away and why won't you ever just let me all the way in?' Thats was just amazing and Sophia was fantastic in that episode.

Least Favorite Storyline: I was gonna say Haley leaving to go on tour but I think in the end it brought Naley closer together. So I think my least favourite storyline is Nathans point shaving 'fiasco'?? It was way to exaggerated. Also I never really liked Anna having feelings for Peyton.

Favorite Song: At the moment 'Something To Believe In'- Aqualung and 'Times Like These'- Foo Fighters. I also really like 'Forever and Ever Amen'- 8MM, 'Someday'- Bryan Greenberg and thegreat 'I Don't Want To Be' and 'More Than Anyone'- Gavin DeGraw.

Favorite Place: Brooke and Haley's whole apartment in season 3. I absolutley loved it, it was soo cool. The Rivercourt is one of my favourite places aswell.

Favorite Car: Brooke's car, I love that Beetle.

Favorite Fight: When Brooke slapped Peyton in 'The Show Must Go On'. I found myself screaming 'you go Brooke' at the tv! LOL. Sophia was on fire in that episode, she got amazing stuff to play and she did it so well.

Ciara xxxx

TV Shows

 Shows I watch(ed) religiously every week!

One Tree Hill- FAVOURITE-best show ever! Nothing can beat this fantastic tv show! EVER! Love Naley, Brucas and Jeyton! Also James Lafferty! Need I say more!

The OC- miss this show soooo much. It has been like my favourite show since it started. I miss Seth and his one liners, Summer and her rage blackouts, Ryan and his wifebeaters and Marissa and the drama!!!!

Friends- coz it just never gets old!

Other random shows I watch-

Desperate Housewives, ER, 7th Heaven, Ugly Betty, Greys Anatomy, The Hills. etc etc

One Tree Hill Season Five!

I just wanna say how happy I am about One Tree Hill season 5:D. The day it was announced, I was in such a bad mood and I was so looking forward to coming home to find out what was going on with the CW. I can safely say that for the rest of the week and at the moment I am still sooooo happy. I dont really mind about the midseason thing, at least we dont have wait for weeks to see the next episode. We get to see the Naley baby, and what the gang will be like in four years! I am so excited!!