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NamcoKun Blog

Ne... ^^ ... e? ~_~

Okeyz itsu teh me again u knøw~

I think to write about ... games?
No I'll write about J-rock this time ^^
Games, I won't buy any untill Christmas because the games I want doesn't get out before liek novembaaaar
SO yeah~
Why teh nåt buy other stuff? Liek J-ROCK ^_^
If you people don't know what J-rock is, is it Japanese Rock. K?
It's heru good music ^^ Listen to it~ Ayabie Megamasso, ScReeW (remove one e... it isn't allowed to write that word here... stupid GS)Antique Cafe, Alice Nine etc~ ^^
I'm getting some singles~ Like... 8 or something x_X Go teh me

Meaningless blogg I know :3 And I won't get any comments untill .... two weeks I bet!


Okeyz 2007 - GREAT GAME YEAR!

Time with a new blod ^^ *blog... ahaha.... ehe yes my bad humor~ so... I gues nobody remembers the "active" me so thanks for reading this shiaaaat xD H'okay on this forum I am modereita on, people are like: "FØKK YOU NINKEKUN!!!" and I'm like: "Okeyzz >_> " I think it is because I speak so briliant and cool so they are jelus 8D

Okey over to gamezzzzzzzzz
Trusty Bell might come to EUROPE!!! WOHOOOO
I still miss some games like Tales of the Abyss and Baten Kaitos II which never will come here T_T me = hates
Ppl ppl~! I might get a PS3 this year~! Wii is unintresting :) Few games that attrackes me... heh... so yeah... >_>

I might get Dead Rising back! And buy Lost Planet as well!! I'm omg intarwebs!!!!!1

Thanks saru-chan [heart] ^_________^ (I dunno who dat is, I just wanted to say something weird 8D)


DOA4 zomg @_@

My X360 is going mongo. It have just freezed the pictures when I play and when I can't do a shti =| Well~ I think that time is over now because today I playes two and a halv hour on DOA4. I WAS THIS CLOSE! to get the silver medal achivment on Surivaval. 49 wins =| I was soooooooo close to win!! It is so irritating, but tomorrow I'll get it n_n

And I think ^^ This is better than Tekken. Tekken 5 sux compared to this, Tekken 6 have way to come.

A little more about me ^^...

I'm going to tell something more about me ^^ If you are intresed. My net-nick I use now is NinkeKuN, not NamcoKun really~ I like Japan very much ^^ J-rock is my love. I come from Norway and am 16 years old (soon 17 this year^^) My fav games is Tekken, Ridge Racer, Dead or Alive, Soul Calibur, Tales of series, Baten Kaitos, Klonoa, Genji, Ico etc ^^
I love japanese games~ I only buy them~ and most of all, Namco and now even some Capcom games (as a fan..) I wanted to buy more Konami games, but I've figured out that there is really few games from them that fits me :|


Thinking about selling some games...

Okey I really need all of your help right now. I'm thinking about selling some games... But I'm not 100% sure to do it.

The games are:

-Lost in Blue (Konami)... Okey this game is just confusing and unintresting after I have played it some hours. It's... bad..

-Final Fantasy X-2 (SquareEnix)... Well this is hard and I don't understand so much about it because I haven't played nr. X yet. I really don't want it.
-Space Channel V (SEGA)... it's just waste of time and difficult. Nothing special about it at all (as I thougt)

-Rumble Roses XX (Konami)... Well... what do you think? The game have no story and is just fun for 5 minutes.
-Dead Rising (Capcom)... It is a fun game. But.. it's really not my genre. I suck at this games. And it's really difficult... I'll get big moneys for that game ^^

But! I'm also feeling that I'm.. "turing my back" for the game-makers I like most, SEGA (ok I'm not really a big fan of SEGA anymore -_-), Konami, Capcom and SquareEnix...

Many new games

Yapp!! It's hell a lot of 'em... >_> Don't ask where I get the money from ... ehehehe... >_>

Anyway here is the games ^^:

Lost in Blue
Phoenix Wright
Another Code (called Trace Memory for you americans)


Ninety-Nine Nights

Well... they are okey. The best game is... I dunno which >_> All of them have been in my "maybe" list. Bujingai is fun because Gackt is in it. But it is boring after a while...
N3 is hard and damn annoying at times. I have to get A rank on every mission, but there is the last mission I can't get -_- Only a B...
... anyway I'm done with Another Code, it was fun!! But short =P Now I'm playing Phoenix Wright, but I think I'll wait a bit with playing Lost in Blue.. it's a bit.... confusing
PS3 is realising 1. Mars horray :) That means it'll be two and a half year till I get that console ^^

Well talk to ya'll on the comments =P


My E3

This was a great E3!! ^^ The games I expected to come, came! And I know what games I gonna buy too; Tekken 6, Ridge Racer 7, Genji 2, Tekken DR, Ace Combat 6, Ace Combat X, Pagaua Golf game thing.., DOAX 2, DDRU to 360, Tales of the Abyss, Ape Escape: Million Apes, Ape Academy 2, Gitaroo Man-Lives! and Rule of Rose (if it comes to Europe >_> ) (and maybe WTF and LocoRoco)

Tho.. I miss Soul Calibur.. and an Alpine Racer 4 for Wii!! T_T

EDIT: Forgot Baten Kaitos Orgins X_x gotta remember dat one!! ^^

Soooo many new games..!

Much has happend since last time..! I've got so many new games ^^!! I have these new games;

Tales of Eternia

We <3 Katamari

Ridge Racer 6

Shadow of the Colossus

Dead or Alive 4

Ape Academy

Everybody's Golf

All of those games r00les!! And I don't regret none of those games I bougth^^

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