This was a great E3!! ^^ The games I expected to come, came! And I know what games I gonna buy too; Tekken 6, Ridge Racer 7, Genji 2, Tekken DR, Ace Combat 6, Ace Combat X, Pagaua Golf game thing.., DOAX 2, DDRU to 360, Tales of the Abyss, Ape Escape: Million Apes, Ape Academy 2, Gitaroo Man-Lives! and Rule of Rose (if it comes to Europe >_> ) (and maybe WTF and LocoRoco)
Tho.. I miss Soul Calibur.. and an Alpine Racer 4 for Wii!! T_T
EDIT: Forgot Baten Kaitos Orgins X_x gotta remember dat one!! ^^