NamcoKun / Member

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Ne... ^^ ... e? ~_~

Okeyz itsu teh me again u knøw~

I think to write about ... games?
No I'll write about J-rock this time ^^
Games, I won't buy any untill Christmas because the games I want doesn't get out before liek novembaaaar
SO yeah~
Why teh nåt buy other stuff? Liek J-ROCK ^_^
If you people don't know what J-rock is, is it Japanese Rock. K?
It's heru good music ^^ Listen to it~ Ayabie Megamasso, ScReeW (remove one e... it isn't allowed to write that word here... stupid GS)Antique Cafe, Alice Nine etc~ ^^
I'm getting some singles~ Like... 8 or something x_X Go teh me

Meaningless blogg I know :3 And I won't get any comments untill .... two weeks I bet!
