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E3 is disappointing me

E3 is disappointing me so far this year. I kinda screwed up and thought that the Micosoft conference started at 9:30 PST instead of 8:30 PST and missed the first half hour. It seems I didn't miss much. It was a rather disappointing show. They didn't really show us anything new. Even the new trailers they showed were just more of the same old stuff we've seen. Sure I enjoyed the Assassins Creed demo but it really wasn't anything all that new.

I'm currently watching the Nintendo conference and its been rather annoying. First off this guy is such a freaking tool, I just don't like him. He talked about how many women are now gaming thanks to Nintendo for what felt like hours. That and I'm so sick of Nintendo saying they have the biggest system cause the DS is selling like mad. They need to realize its a handheld so you really can't compare it to regular consoles. I know several people who own multiple DS because they're not that expensive and you need more than 1 for multiplayer. Go ahead and say you dominate the handheld market but stop claiming that you own the entire system market with it.

They just showed the new Zapper a bit ago and is it just me or does that look incredibly uncomfortable to anyone else. If you're gonna make it like a 2 handed assault rifle you need to give it some size. It will be nice though cause now what you do with the Wiimote...(god I hate that word...) will actually be like what your character does in the game. I'm sorry but I can't stand any Wii advertisement cause I'm sorry shaking a little controller is nothing like swinging a sword. I've never seen anyone actually play Zelda and swing the thing around, they just shake it. I'm sorry but shaking a remote isn't that much fun.

Now I know a couple of you out there are Metroid Prime fans but I just have to ask why? I really don't get it. Any FPS that actually has lock on targeting just doesn't make sense to me.

OMG he just starting talking about when will Nintendo get serious about online play and is acting like they already are cause people are playing Pokemon online... Since when is one game being serious? Oh wait they have another 5 games going online, man they are serious. Considering 2 are Madden and Guitar Hero III which will be online on every system kinda takes away from it. That and does anyone else think that Mario Kart shoulda been online long ago? I know I just mentioned I don't like it but why isn't Metroid going online? Or Soul Calibur for that matter... Or did they just not mention them, you would think they would... A serious online company would also be putting Smash Bros. online too.

Well the Worldwide President is just finishing up talking about games for everyone and I can't help but wonder where the hell are Nintendo games for people like me? He said remember when you first started gaming and what it was like and all that but I gotta say I don't mind you making games to bring in new people just dont claim they are games for everyone. Nintendo doesn't have a single freaking game for the hardcore loser like me who rarely leaves the house and wants something tough and in depth. Pretty much none of their games could keep my interist for more than an hour or so, if they last that long.

Well we got to see some more bad games and uselessly stupid devices. I still cannot for the life of me see what the appeal of the Wii is. I can see whats been drawing people to the Wii but I just don't understand how any part of the Wii can appeal to a even semi serious gamer. Well thats 2 conferences down now and so far the only thing that I've really seen that is even worth mentioning really is the Assassins Creed demo from Microsofts. I just hope we get some good stuff goin later in the week.