Played a Bounty Hunter this beta weekend and it was a joy to play. Without spoiling any scenes, i played it without really caring about dark or light points. If i wanted to let someone go i did, if i wanted to beat someone down i did. That's kinda my image of a BH. Anyway my Brother would wonder into my room as i played and watch Cut-scenes with me and on more than a few occasions we would LoL @ the choices i made and the cut-scenes that ensued. In short i had a blast.
Is it a WoW clone? is it innovative? are the graphics perfect? is it De'ja Moo? i don't really care cause i had fun. i haven't pre-order'd but i will be picking it up from the stores on release day( i like buying from physical stores its just more fun for me). will i stick with it pass the quest lines for endgame content? i do not know yet, i can't see the future.
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