[QUOTE="snorlaxmaster"]You lost me...... you don't own one and yet your bashing it....... typical.kingyotoX
WTF!!!! I like the ps3 i'm not bashing it i'm just saying $600 is a lot of money more than most people will spend.
600??? If Your 16 (Like Me) and Have a Job thats about Two Months of Saving after you take out all the money I spend on Gas, Insurence, and everything else... I could Easily Get one anytime I wanted, But I just Got The New Nano so I would be a Little Short right now, but Once I get payed again I would have Plenty....
I think the thing sony is doing wrong right now is Not having any good games... But thats true for all Three as of Right now.. I might get a PS3 After Killzone and Final Fantasy, but thats only if There good... I have nothing good for the 360 right now and Wii Play is Really Boring (I tried out Zelda, but It got old FAST)...
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