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My advice for the Gaming industry, PLEASE HEAR ME OUT! Then criticize.

The PC undoubtetly has much, much more potential for quality and high tech gaming than consoles EVER will. So why isn't it as popular as consoles? because publicity and marketing is more favoring of consoles (Example: there is no widely broadcast PC demonstrations like the Sony/Microsoft/ Nintendo E3 demonstrations), and leaves customers ignorant (They don't know PC's can be chaep, they can use big HDTV's and both dual shock and XBOX controllers) So why not be an innovative developer? Make the game specifically for the best platform (PC) and market it that way (market the profitable TRUTH!), if more companies would follow this smart choice over the lazy choice of dumbing down and shoe-horning thier products into consoles JUST BECAUSE its currently more popular, than PC gaming would have more marketing and publicity showing what is capable of, and then customers will see, then PC Gaming makes more money. Because than if big companies support the truth (PC Gaming is more pwerful and diverse), than console gamers will have the viel of ignorance lifted from them, and will only choose a platform based on what they ACTUALLY like instead of choosing the consoles because they don't know any better. We know PC gaming is better (from a technological/technical/capability standpoint, all console advantages are due to popularity, which is all because of marketing, not because of actual quality of the console), but not enough people are taking this to heart in business decisions, thats why consoles make more money and are more popular. Because of a combo of lazyness from developers (we can make a much better product without the company paying SOO MUCH to Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo) and ignorance from consumers. Just imagine if PC Gaming was as popular as console gaming, it would make EVEN MORE MONEY PER CUSTOMER! And customers would benefit because a massive sales increase will lower the price of PC parts like videocards, and would make the price of buying a killer PC equal to console prices. And the lack of a big controlling comapny like Sony or Microsoft (microsoft has nowhere near the chokehold on PC's as it does on XBOX), Indie games would flourish easier. Its common business and economic sense to start supporting the PC more! But companies don't want to strive to be better or increase the industry to its true potential, they want to make a quick buck by riding the console fad-train.