Naomz / Member

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5 months worth of stuff... sorta

Hi all my friends i have missed so much! Its Naomz here and im back after being without a computer for 5 months! Well now i have two... a laptop and a desktop so hopefully that doesnt happen again any time soon... it just died!! died! ... and i have two precious babies, so i cant go spending alot of money on a nice new computer... tili save up enough... so yay, now im back!!!

First things first... SKYRIM!!!! My computer died right before Skyrim came out!!! And you all know just how freaking excited i was!!! Well was i disappointed with it?... Hell no!! Its my favorite game of 2011 for sure... but only cuz i didnt play Batman Arkham City til toady... but ill talk batman in a minute... first Skyrim...

... It has its issues... but i sorta was expecting the graphical glithes and bugs... plus the wonky missions that get all screwed up and crap... but its all ok... you dont put 200+ hours into a game you dont love do you?... well i dont. In Oblivion, the thieves guild was my favorite guild, and it was soooooooo great in skyrim!!! By far my favorite guild in Skyrim... The dark brotherhood was fun, it just wasnt as great as the thieves guild to me... i dont know...

ok... enough about skyrim for now... we all know how awesome it is...

I just started playing Batman Arkham City today and omg!!!... its sooooooooo great! I played through Arkam Asylum a few days ago to prepare myself for this awesomeness. Im not even a huge super hero fan, i knew enough to really enjoy these batman games... but even if you dont like batman really, these games are just fun!! Batman moves flawlessly and fights so gracefully. And Arknam City just has so many extra things to do! Riddler Chalenges (my personal fave) and the world is also super huge... its just real awesome. Go buy it everyone! :D

Bioshock Infinite... To prepare for this gem of 2012, i played though Bioshock 1 and 2... I played through 1 like 4 years ago... replaying itwas great!!And Bioshock 2 is really good, i just dont think itis s good... and idont like the multiplayer... but thats just me :)

Uh... Oh! I got a Nintendo 3DS the other day... as i thought, the 3D hurts my eyes... so im very limited on how long i can use tht AWESOME feature...:( But its ok, I got Pokemon Rumble Blast andSuper Mario Land 3D... I havent played Mario yet, my boyfriend wanted that one. But Pokemon Rumble Blast is awesome :D


So im giving Final Fantasy XIII another try... you all know how hard i was on it and how much i cried and moaned about all the crap i hated about it... but i think XIII-2 looks better, and im determined to play throughXIII before XIII-2... the demo was pretty good. MOOGLE!!! :D And monsters on your team... me likes!!! Serah and Noel seem like a cute happy teamin comparisonto the dark gloomy emo doom group of XIII... so i like that.


In other news,

My daughters are doing very great! My 3 year old zoe has started playing the 360 more, she even got a few achievements on her own!! *sniff* Im so proud!!! My younger daughter Violet will be 8 months old tomorrow and she can almost crawl now! Also, she sleeps through the nigh, so i now have kid free evenings... any parent will know the joy of the peace and quiet of the evenings... so ive been able to do alot more gaming at night and in the mornings! :D Yay sleeping kids... i jut gotta wake up before them:P

Oh, and one last thing!!! I got the gears of war limited edition 360 today!!!!!!! Its soooooooo nice! And now ialsohave Gears 3 finally since it came with the beautiful system... after Arkham City im gonna jump on that action :)

... hit me up if ya wanna play with me!!


ill have another blog tomorrow with like pictures and suff.

You all are awesome! Goodnight! :D