Hi! Whats up Gamespotians? :P
I want to first start off (before I rant about something thats been bugging me) by saying that the weather where I live has been TERRIBLE!!! I live in Kentucky (I HATE IT!!) USA... And the last month has been like one of the worst months for weather here in my opinion! Its been snowing like 2 inches, raining on top of that, freezing, melting alittle, freezing again, snowing on top of that, raining, snowing, raining, snowing ... uh! Its sooooo gross outside! I want to take my daughter to the park! And I cant! I hate it ...
My RANT!! - Something I hate hearing people say:
"The game looked real good, but it got bad reviews so im not going to play it."
Thats probably one of my most hated things to hear. Its just so stupid. I dont get why somebodys else opinion of a game can keep a person from trying out something they thought they would like. Its like food ...
Here is a small fake conversation:
PERSON A: "Mmmm, I love cake, and this cupcakes looks so good! I think ill eat one!"
PERSON B: "Nah, I dont like cake, and I tried these cupcakes andthey aregross"
PERSON A: "Oh, well I better not eat it!"
... See how stupid ... Thats the same way with games. I love love love the Silent Hill series and a not so great review is going to keep me from playing Silent Hill Homecoming... (which I bought on release day :P) for example
I had this problem with Final Fantasy XIII, I almost let what peope were saying about it affect my decision to get it!
There are exceptions though, like if a game is like almost so bad that its unplayable and broken like Damnation and Rouge Warrior. Those games got bad reviews because they deserved it. But normally its stuff like "The levels were blah," and "the controls werent to my liking" or "didnt like the story" Thats All OPINION!! Right?
THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN TELL ME IF A GAME IS GOOD OR NOT IS ... ME!!! So everyone, make your own choices :P
And Im not saying that I dont listen to reviews, I read them to get ideas on a game and to find out what people thought. Its just not going to affect me getting a game ... Rant over
Tactics! Im still playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and im sure you are all very tired of hearing about it... I just wanted to show you all who havent played Vaan from FF XII and how big a difference a shirt makes in coolness
Very more awesome ... and kinda cute! :oops: and its all because of a shirt... and Balthier's awesome influence I like to think :P
Uh... Oh cute!
CUTE!!! Look at this
This is cute and its chrono trigger related! Ive also been playing Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime on DS through again. Its such a good game. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a good DS game cheap. And look How silly!! Hehehe!
Uh... Oh!
Pandora Hearts! Im going to read the manga instead of watch the anime. Like I said before I like manga more so I think ill like it more too :D Same with Soul Eater .. I finished the anime a little disappointed so Id like to read the manga and get the true story... Anime is good, manga is almost always better, in my opinion :P
Playstation Home is so stupid :P
I like cake!
I wish I had a digimon ... Or a pokemon, but digimon talk so its better and they can dedigivolve to be cute and cuddley again
From this:
To This: (to save your life)
Back to this:
Uh... I think thats all for now!
See ya laters! (sorry if you didnt like my rant :P)
Play Darksiders, its great!