Hello all!! Its been a few days since Ive been on. Ive has to work and such. Anyway, in the past 2 days I have got 4 new game boy advance games!! Yay!! This is what I got:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Megaman Battle Chip Challenge
Shaman King Spirit Legacy (Wolf version)
Sword of Mana
Also, for the DS I picked up Lunar Dragon Song. I know its not to good, but it was cheap and ill probably like it :P
Has anyone ever played FF Tactics Advance? Its amazing! I played it a few years ago. I loved it then and I love it even more now. Rits is one of my favorite characters. Shes so cool. Also, its a great series. I know alot of people didnt like how the FF Tactics series went moe childish. But i really do love. Its probably my favorite GBA game...Im thinking I should redo my Fave Final Fantasy list. Ill do a top 20 instead. Cuz i dont think FFTA is in there :P
Here is Ritz
I have been playing Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks too. Its really good. I dont know yet if I like Phantom Hourglass more or not. My favorite addition though, i gotta say is ZELDA!!!! Shes with you the whole time in Spirit Tracks. Shes soooo cute and so awesome. She has inspired mt to change my avatar yet again!! :P
Also, has anyone played Sword of Mana? I used to have it awhile back too. Its sooooo good!
Here are a few GBA games on my want list:
Onimusha Tactics
Golden Sun (1 and 2)
Legend of Zelda Minish Cap
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
I used to have the Zeldas. I remember the day I beat Minish Cap after a test during school. That and Onimushe Tactics are on the top of my GBA want list :P
So, in the spirit of this GBA heavy blog. I will now attempt a top 14 GBA games!!!
14. DemiKids (Dark Version)
13. Super Robot Taisen
12. Monster Rancher Advance 2
11. Lunar Legend
10. Zone of the Ender: Fist of Mars
9. Yggdra Union
8. Riviera The Promised Land
7. Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
6. Tales of Phantasia
5. Final Fantasy VI
4. Sword of Mana
3. Legend of Zelda Minish Cap
2. Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town
1. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
So, this has been a tiny update blog. I wish you all a happy and safe hoidays!!!