Ive had alot on my mind lately. I have had to work alot more and it has me wore out. Its hard to work full time then take care of a baby when you get home. I dont know how people do it with more than one kid. Ive been going to sleep at like 11pm now. Thats so early for me! So thats bothering me.
On top of that I got yelled at at work the other day. This stupid f*ck wanted to return a game that was outta the return policy and I told him no and he basically went off on me. Im still mad about that sh*t cuz the other manager on duty went on and gave him the refund! I was sooooooo pissed!
Also, I am in a conflict with myself over a DSi. I want one but dont at the same time. I like my DS Lite cuz it plays GBA games ( I own like 20) but want the DSi for all its other features. Not that I need another camera, mp3 player or internet browsing device. Its just cool. And id have to buy another GBA SP to play my GBA games. So anyadvice on that would be cool
I also dont like paying for MMO games. I like them enough but they never keep my interest for more than 2, maybe 3 weeks. I have just downloaded Neo Steam from Atlus, it seems cool enough but I havent tried it yet. I just wanna play one I can really get into thats free to play. Ive tried Dream of Mirror, Luna Online, Ether Saga, Nostale, Fiesta and Flyff just to name a few. I liked them ok, the cute graphics is what I liked the most. Luna is my favorite of those. If anyone has any suggestions for a f2p mmo that looks similar to the ones i mentioned let me know. thanks
And last, I hate waiting for games to come out. I have this cool Brutal Legend Standee in my room I see all day and It makes me want that game so bad. Also right now Im wearing a Borderlands T-shirt... I wanna play it too. *sigh* Come on October, i need your games and your haunted houses!
I love Halloween
Oh also, the SAW game looks kinda fun!