Yay to my 31st Blog! I guess 30 woulda been more significant but i forgot. Oh well. :P
I have beeen teaching my 13 mth old daughter how to use a DS. Check this out!
She of course doesnt know how to play but she likes to make things happen on screen. Its soooo cute. She makes a mommy pround *sniff*. In this pic she is playing Blue Dragon Plus. Lol :) Oh, and she can officially walk now! Hehe So, Yay Zoe!
Oh, I played Fairytale Fights the other day. I thought this game looked so cool. Cute + Gore = Great!... in my book anyway. It was so bad. Almost unplayable. It felt like it shoulda been an xboxlive arcade game. Not retail priced at $60. Good thing i didnt buy it. I just checked it out at work. :) It had a cute story and it was very funny but the controls SUCKED and the fixed camera angles SUCKED and fighting SUCKED. So sad when a game you think is gonna be good isnt good at all. :( But on to a lighter note!!
Borderlands!!! I havent had the moolah to purchase it. So I have been waiting for us to have extras at work. Weve only seemed to have like 1 copy since the game released! Anyway, I was at work yesturday and was had quite a few! I was happy! So I took home a copy and finally got to play it! It was everything I was expecting and more! :) If I had a gold membership I would play with some people, but sadly i am stuck with a silver right now. I keep forgeting to buy it! :P
Also, I have been in a very Dragon Quest mood. Im playing IV on DS and VIII on PS2 right now. I also have Dragon Quest Monsters Joker. I have been playing that alittle too. :) I love Dragon Quest!!
Anyone know if Infinite Undiscovery on 360 is any good? :P I have the strategy guide (I got it for free) and it looks pretty ok. It got like average reviews and stuff. Idk. I think im gonna get it, but I wanna know what y'all think. hehe
This blog is ova! -Naomz