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Ninjas that are Mini, Kingdom Hearts and Dragons that are Blue!


I got new stuff today that I will tell you wonderful people all about now!! :D First off,

MINI NINJAS on 360... Im playing my 360 now, yay! All it took was to put down Final Fantasy and play something more happy! Yay! Its super fun and actiony, and cute and great! I love all the mini ninjas!

cbackminininjas.jpg picture by Naomz930

I also got The World Ends with You on DS... finally! I knew i wanted this game for like ever! Glad I finally got it. Its quite a challenge and I LOVE the characters!

TheWorldEndsWithYou2.jpg picture by Naomz930


I also pre-ordered two games!

Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow on the DS! Yay! I paid it off so ill be getting that tomorrow... or wednesday...not sure! Im super excited :D

And OKAMIDEN!!! Its not sceduled til next year but still! Its a must have... okami was sooooo great! And okamiden is gonna be super awesome sauce! :D

147358-okamiden.jpg Okamiden wallpaper image by Zalandurthoth

Oh, I also purchased something not so cute. A PS3 gam I have been wanting for quite some time. Demons Souls! :D I heard it was super hard, im up for the challenge! hehe :P

Uh... Oh! Manga! I got a super awesome manga today for only $4!! Sweetness!

KH_Memories_cover-1-2.jpg picture by Naomz930

Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories Vol. 1 ... only $4! :D

Im only now missing a couple of the entire Kingdom Hearts Manga... I know ill get them sooner or later :D I love Sra, hate Roxas and am not to happy about Birth by Sleep anymore... I love Sora and he isnt in it... :( Makes me sad in my heart. Kingdom Hearts 1 was a cla$$ic! I feel the series is just getting farther away from what it was all about in the first place... I dont know. Thats just me, another rant for anoher time. :D

OMG!!!! My dreams have come true!!! well... 1/2 true

I was reading the article in Gameinformer about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and guess who is gonna be in it!!!!

Yeah!! Sexy Dante!

Now, first off. I have been asking for Dante to be in a fighting game since Soul Calibur 2!!! I used tob*tch ALL the time about how Heihach FROM TEKKENi shouldnt have been in the PS2 version of Soul Calibur 2 because he was already in a fighting game!! Link and Spawn were in the GC and Xbox versions... SO Dante a bad a$$ sword and gun weilding half demon woulda been PERFECT for Soul Calibur!! Especially for the PS2! Anyway...

I say this is a half dream come true because... Im so bad at 2d sttyle fighters!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: SO now im gonna buy a few and try and get better before Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 :D


Im a ninja! 1sm282ninja2.gif picture by Naomz930

Today is Mine and Nicholas's 3 year anniversary! :D Yay! We had a great day together as a family... Im also potty training Zoe... Its going rather well. Shes a very smart 20 mth old. I know all parents say that but its like super true when I say it! :D


And REBORN!!! Still reading it... I love Mukuro :oops:

ani_reborn02.gif picture by Naomz930

TTFN Tat Ta For Now!!