Naomz / Member

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Noooooooooo!!!! Not MY 360!! Noooo!

Oh no! My xbox 360 of almost 3 years died this morning. I turned it on to play Overlord and there they were, the infamous 3 red rings of death. I was so sad. I still am! it happened this morning! I was gonna call Microsoft and get it fixed but I descided against it. Next week im just gonna buy a brand new one. I need an HDMI port anyway.

Losing my 360 was like losing a friend. I had it for sooooo long it seemed and it never gave me any trouble. Thousands of hours spent playing it. Its sad. I kept considering myself so lucky cuz it hadn't happened to me yet. Oh well. Im not as upset about it I guess cuz deep inside I guess I knew it would happen.

And hey! I get a new one now! So thats kinda cool.

Oh one more thing, F**K YOU MICROSOFT! I love you and will buy another system. But F**K YOU!