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What? You all wanna know what i thought of E3 2011?


Well ok. Cant disappoint (how wrong is that spelled?)my fans :P

Im going to start by quickly talking about Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo


I liked that Ice-T played Gears of War 3 :) Cliffy B is so cute!!!! Bleh. MW3... But in all seriousness. I was very impressed with the new Kinect stuff! The Mass Effect 3 feature with voice recognition was so awesome! And the gun stuff with Ghost Recon Future Soldier :) Very nice... Its nice to see more for the Kinect even though I truely dont want one ;P


Resistance 3... bleh. New handled... bleh... The apology was nice though!! There was other stuff but I dont even have a PS3 right now so its a waste of my time... :P I do love Sony too though!!


I will say out of the 3 major press conferences this one was the biggest let down... The Wii U?... Really? another name couldn't be agreed apon? Its so weird to say... its like a tiny kid making a siren noise... "wii-u, wii-u, wii-u" hehe. But seriously I thought Nintendo was going to announce a console... not a fancy controller...Oh well. Its neat though!!!


'nuf about the consoles... Here are some of the games that just made me all happy and warm inside!!!

1. Elder Scrolls V Skyrim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you all think it was going to be something else? hehe. :) I watched the gameplay demo for this and wanted to justpee my pants in excitement! How amazing does this game look?!?!? I will say it is even better than i had imagined and hoped!!!

11-11-11 cant get here quick enough!!!!!

2. Silent Hill Downpour

Wanna start and say i didnt know there was going to be another Silent Hill movie! Yay! But SH Downpour looks amazing! So scary! It really looks like a vas improvement to Homecoming... But gonna have to play it to believe it

3. Tomb Raider

I always have been and always will be a Tomb Raider fan. And I think this game looks awesome!! I enjoyed watching this demo quite a bit! :D So yay!!

...the rest of these are in no order :P

Hitman Absolution

Years ive been waiting!!!! Yes sir!!! Agent 47 is finally back!

Devil May Cry

Oh i hate his hair so much!!!!!!!!!!

I know i know! ive complained a bunch about how "not" Dante this Dante is... but the new 'work in progress' trailer is an improvement!!! Looks like his hair turns white during his Devil Trigger like mode. So... Ill stay more positive :) I do love the action

Assassins Creed Revelations

Duh! Ezio!!

Soul Calibur V

As long as the character creation is awesome im so on board with this :)



Also i want to mention that im excited for all the HD Collections that were announced!!!!

Zone of the Enders (YAY!) Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill... and others! Woo!


Ok... I cant think anymore...

Hope you all enjoyed this quick run through of what I thought of E3 2011...
