Some more free Microsoft Advertising from Planet Kyle... Unfortunately the price point argument is no longer valid. To get a 360 that is even remotely comparable to the PS3 features-wise, you have to buy the elite for $399 (how much is the PS3 now?... Oh yeah, $399). So they have some cheaper less-functional SKUs, but in the end, you spend more anyway because you have to pay $50 a year to do anything online, and buy Wireless internet adapters and HDDs if you choose the more "affordable" options, while I go online for free, and the only add-on I have purchased is a PS2 memory card adapter... for $15... But man am I stupid for spending $399 all at once... You see, It works out great for me, because I chose a PS3, and you guys get ripped off by Bill Gates while still believing that he is your lord and savior... XD
I would like to turn everyone's attention away from the dated visuals displayed in this comparison. The future of Next-gen gaming is right here...;title;1 XD
Bethesda IS lazy. Proof is in the fact that the game locks up when you get a PSN prompt... What did their debug crew not even bother to have the PSN on when they were testing the game? That's a mark of pure laziness and oversight if I have ever seen one. As for the Unreal 3 engine... It doesn't matter how powerful an engine is, if every game created with it looks exactly the same, plays exactly the same, and attracts developers that have the SAME IDEAS!! Unreal Engine was great in Unreal Tournament, but to see the same boring physics, and the same types of visual/physics engines over and over again is just lame. Not to mention the same jacked, bulging, retarded-looking male leads in EVERY GAME that uses the Engine for some reason (which I know can't possibly relate to anything but poor creative direction). Then Square-Enix (an awesome developer that Bethesda couldn't even hope to hold a candle to) tries out the stupid engine with The Last Remnant, and it comes out a technical mess... This goes further to prove that it is all in the developer and how they use the tools they are given, just as how a game looks continues to be in the eye of the biased beholder. I do want to point out one thing, just because you Xbox fanboys think you have it so friggin MADE with your 360 and your Xbox Live. Do some math for me... 11 Millions Live users x \$50 a Year... Yes that's right \$550,000,000 or A little more than a Half a Billion Dollars that Mr. Gates rakes in on his Online Users on an ANNUAL BASIS, while SONY chooses to give its users online for free. Just something to think about... Ask me again who I respect more as a gaming company? Its more than polygons folks, Microsoft sucks, their operating system sucks, their software sucks, and they can't even make gaming hardware from existing technology that doesn't break down 2-3 times a year... Why does everyone continue to mindlessly promote and defend them? I still can't quite figure that out... How can one company that seems to do EVERYTHING wrong and half-assed come out on top with the masses all the time. It can't be advertising, because their ads suck too... I guess they don't need to advertise with the army of pushy fanboys that are constantly blabbing about superiority, and Gaming Press organizations that are willing to contribute to the mindless promotion because of the amount of advertising dollars poured into their pockets on a daily basis. Or maybe its just "cuz da 360 is so damn sick?" Its a game of money, kiddies, that's why the Wii hasn't seen a truly remarkable game since the few decent ones at launch, because Nintendo has trained developers to spend no money, make a crap product, and reap the benefits of a mindless consumer mob. But that's a WHOLE other rant right thar!
Of course they have the right to... But why do they have to cry so much? Are you saying you respect their right to be big babies just because they had me click a radio button that has the word "agree" next to it... In the end, everyone who has come on here and said "do pixels and polygons really make a difference? Just play your damn games already!" or something of that nature, is right. This shouldn't matter, and doesn't. I own a PS3, some of you own 360's, doesn't matter. But gamespot should recognize that this doesn't matter, and stop fueling the flame war with stupid features like this, which has been my point ALL ALONG. I have only mixed in points about the screentshots as to not get moderated for my post being "solely intended to offend or insult", and I threw in some constructive criticism about the areas in which Gamespot lacks... Still not sorry. Really, if they hadn't moderated my first comment, I wouldn't have contributed anything beyond "Gamespot, this feature is dumb, you are stupid for posting it"... But they had to cry, and moderate, and be babies about it... so I continue.... to rant.... son.
haha, I can't believe I am back on this forum again today... I am the stupid one... clockpenalty, compare all of these shotty games to Metal Gear Solid 4, and you will see that it doesn't matter which system is technically superior, it matters which DEVELOPER is superior... Bottomline Konami > Everyone Else, son. It will be good fun once Gamespot continues to ride the console wars train, and posts an FFXIII comparison once that pile of awesome is FINALLY released, then we will all be back here talking about how the 360 managed to pull one out of the fabric of time and space and somehow makes the game look "superior" to the PS3 version, when really the same visual effect of 360 version could be acheived, and in fact look better if you would just crank up the contrast on your television a little bit, as it is quite obvious to the trained eye that there is an overall contrast hike on the 360's display by default! As for my comment and its "offensiveness" level, I would say that Gamespot would have the right to be offended if they WEREN'T an organization that promised substance, yet delivers vapid phlegm instead. Just as one might say "the PS3 is a piece of crap" and not get moderated, I should be able to point out that Gamespot are being pieces of crap for publishing this stupid feature, and not get moderated... Wouldn't you say, son? Sure I may have went a little overboard telling them to moderate their whole site, but that's only because the reviews they deliver are so emotionless and lackluster, but when someone points it out, they moderate the comment, instead of doing something about the real problem... That's sad. I am not here to make friends, I believe I have made that clear, and I am not sorry if anyone was "offended" by my comments... Grow up gamespot...
Well... I posted the below comment yesterday, after having a comment moderated... Even after THIS comment received 20+ thumbs up from Gamespot users, my comment was AGAIN moderated. Its a shame we have to see censorship on top of poor game reporting standards on this site... Well, feel free to moderate me again Gamespot... [Yesterday's Rant] Well, lets be more constructive then so I am not just posting with the "sole intent of insulting or offending" someone. Dear Gamespot, You are stupid BECAUSE (now we are being CONSTRUCTIVE), you are playing off of the console wars YEARS after both of the systems in question were released, with the "sole intention" of getting hits on your crappy site, where the reviews are as LATE as they are LACKLUSTER. Not only that, the COMPARISON is stupid, because its of an ugly game, probably developed for the PC before either of the Next-Gen consoles. And since the dvelopment tools for the PC game are running in-synch with the Xbox, which may as well be a PC, naturally the engine is going to make the game look better on the 360... barely... This is because of contrast, the 360 uses contrast to offset a lack of detail (much like SONY's HD TVs use contrast to offset THEIR lack of color-range and detail), and to de-blur the blurry-textures. So it performs a cheap trick of creating the illusion of more detail, so the PS3 ends up looking less vivid than it actually is, but only in Multi-Platform games... If Konami ever gets around to completely recompiling MGS4 down to 360 specs, you will see an ENORMOUS difference in the quality, as MGS4 was tailor-made to the PS3 specs. Don't get me wrong here, I understand that the point of this whole thing was to continue to service your largely 360 reader-base, with the notion that they made the right choice in supporting the filthy corporate slime known as Microsoft, innovators of nothing, pirates of the industry, and that there is "no difference" between the PS3 and the 360. Which is fine, I don't care, I bought a PS3, and I don't have to worry about it... But parading around spreading falsehoods and fueling fanboyism (and feedin off it in the form of hits and adClicks) always bugs the crap out of me. (not to mention moderating user comments) Besides this crap feature, your reviewers don't seem at all enthusiastic about any game that isn't an Xbox 360 FPS, Guitar Hero, or Sports game, and your review scores make little sense half the time. You know who should be insulted here, your readers. Please moderate your crappy reviews, stupid features (like this one), and while you're at it, just moderate the whole site, because its a shallow bucket of saliva dripping endlessly onto the thick skulls of anyone who will allow it to seep in... Not to take credit from your developers, this site is a technical masterpiece, which makes the waste of space it has become that much more sad. Glad I taught you something today, son. Take it to heart, and stop being so lame... [/Yesterday's Rant] PS - Cry More.
Thanks Kongousou_ha, I would like to say that your comment is brilliant... Of course, it makes me feel stupid for even bothering to analyze these screenshots, which I suppose I should (and perhaps we ALL should...) As for comparisons... screw them, they are always biased... If I did a comparison, it would be to show how much MGS4 owns every next-gen title to date, starting with Lego Starwars I suppose... when Gamespot does one, it is to show how there is no difference between the PS3 and 360 so everyone and their moms should continue to fill Bill Gate's pockets with money. Whatever, the beautiful thing here is, Gamespot wasn't responsible for entertaining us at all, we were. We started the arguments, we carried on like sappy f***ers, and they get all the Hits and Ad Clicks... All they have to do, is pull some strings, push some buttons, do a TERRIBLE job taking screenshots (particularly the Dead Space ones... damn son) and annoy us all, and we load the page up with 4000 comments... I have been calling them stupid all day, but I think they may just be geniuses... Way to go gamespot!
erkin6666, the point wasn't about the console comparison, son. It was about Gamespot being lame with the stupid comparison, and moderating my earlier comment. What are you, a Gamestop admin in disguise or something? Either way, I MUST agree that this game does look MUCH MUCH better in the 360 screenshots (surprised?). You will notice the difference in the darker shadows. The 360 version darkens the darkest shadows so that they are a richer darker tone, creating more contrast and depth... the PS3 version is much less, saturated, but ultimately there are more details in the mix, if you care to adjust the contrast/darkness on whatever display you are running your games on. Bottomline, Bethesda knows the 360 better than they know the PS3, and I am sure logically determined the 360 (if not the PC) would be the target market for this game, and spent a negligible amount of time on the PS3 conversion. This is why the game locks up whenever you receive a prompt from PSN while you are playing it (annoying)... I am sure you would attribute that to the PS3 being crappy in some way, but this is the only game I have seen where this is the case. I am not here to do the things gamespot wants me to do, which is to argue all day about which system is superior, something that is all in the eye of the beholder anyway. It just so happens that most of the beholders in this bunch of comments are 360 owners, just as much of the gamespot staff favor the 360. So the majority paints the picture for the rest of us, even if they are too retarded to hold a paint brush... I don't care, I own a PS3, I love it. But, I am human after all, and bulls**t still bothers me, and I see bulls**t as far as the eye can see right now.
NarcMonkey's comments