Yeah but who needs Top Five Tits of the Week, when you've got Gamespot News with Jess? Five days a week, she pretty much claims every spot. Well, used to. Maybe she'll come back some day... ; _ ;
I'm sorry I can't bother to watch the news if there isn't a hot girl on the screen.
Or, in a more apish diction: Bring back pretty lady. Me want to keep up to date on latest gaming news while staring at boobies. Danny is funny laugh man, but not pretty lady. Much smaller boobies.
@MalakTawus Yeah, I have to say, you'd think they'd at least make 15 minutes of the game presentable for previews like this, but it all looks awful. Lip synching is way off, animations are terrible in general, and the combat looks sluggish and weak.
Which is a real shame, because the WRPG genre could use some more confident forays into unknown territory, especially as Bioware is kind of going insane lately. At least we have Witcher 3 and Project Eternity to look forward to, right?
@ThaMr187 You already can. Arena and Daggerfall are pretty easy to emulate, if a little buggy, and it's simple to find a converter cable to connect your PC to your TV, if you aren't already using HDMI.
@Stebsis Frankly I agree, considering I've built computers not much larger than the Piston before by myself. A little DIY knowledge is all you need to build a small, light, high-power machine, and I don't know the prices now, but back in 2008 it only cost me $900 to build a machine that I didn't need to upgrade until last Spring.
I mean, I guess if you're not a PC enthusiast, the Piston is an easy, if slightly overpriced way to get a comparably powerful mini-PC, but since I AM a PC enthusiast, I'd just build the damn thing myself.
I know. I'm like a beat dog with Bioware. They've been so bad to me for so long, but I keep hoping that they'll get better. I need to remind myself that the founders have already abandoned ship. There is no more Bioware, only EA wearing its skin.
@so_hai Classic Anonymous hates Jews and and Anti-semites equally. They are an unfeeling machine of raw hate, that exists only to cause misery and despair in the world. And then laugh at it.
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