I was upducted by MICHAEL JACKSON!!.................................................. tooken to atlantis!................................................. ooooooookaaaaaaaaayy..............met God?......damn.... o.k. I was banned theres the truth.... does anybody bother to even read this, if so, then please answer by comenting to this blog. the reason I got banned is because my little brother started fighting with me for no reason,and my mom just happend to be standing around, all I did was shove him away and my mom bans me for over 2 months, but I ocasionaly got on the computer. and now I here from Bradley Palermo "a.k.a." my brother tells me my mom told me that I was banned until the end of June, but that would be another 3 months!! I'm not tak'n this sh_t any more so i'll just ignore that r_t_rd Bradley - the youthful F_RT,haha. anyway I'm back and thats the important part ,mak'n friends,bost'n blogs, rate'n games ,and all that. Thats me, the #1 ,hyper-active, nuckle head,Ninja!..... Sry......Gamer! Haha as Naruto would say now "Believe it!"