Lol so I've been away for exactly one year and im somehow a part of like 30 unions, which my lil bro probably inlisted me into (time for a better password) lol. Anyway i apologize to those who I left or am leaving, but if you really want you can blame biotorch13 hes my lil bro ;P. So yea while i was away i somehow became the leader of the union of spam, right now we have no members that are still active within the union or officers, everyone resigned or left. So now im in charge of a dead union YAY play time! lol so yea thats what has happend over the last year where have i been?
Well for the past year i went away to continue my tricking training. spending weekdays and weeends at the gym perfecting moves and other random things. After all that training I returned to have some fun and get back to work :D can't wait.