I'm planning to get the PS3 at launch. I'll actualy smack a person if he gets a Wii, but only if he's 11 or over. Wii, if you've failed to noticed, is a CHILD's system, Xbox 360 is outdated(I mean realy, still using DVD's for games, and selling a HD drive for it, but only for the movies? That was a gay move Microsoft.) Wii, as a usual for Nintendo, will be the bottom of the graphics pool, and I know the motion sensor is considered a "new" to gameing, but thinkof how fast it'll get old. People forget that PS3 has a motion sensor too, but it doesn't use it as the biggest gimmic for the entire system. PS3 is the new, better system. Wii, I could care less about you being able to download games. Did anyone know you had to BUY them? They skipped that little detail, didn't they. PS3 gives you your money's worth. Wii just gives bare bones. What's it's resolutions, like 240p? Xbox 360, only 720p. PS3, 1080p, full resolution baby, Don't be cheap. Get a PS3. Your freinds will love you. If you get a Wii, expect them to say "oh, my little sister got one too, and my grandma is thinking of getting one for her nursing home." Wii: Gay Xbox 360:Old(and defective). PS3:The Big Papi. The end. .
I don't really mind the load time. It's the same for home counsles, and it pumps out graphics preety close to them. Now if it had crappy graphics(*cough*cough*DS) and long load times, then I'd say fudge it.
I seriously don't care when Europe gets it. As long as it comes out on the expected American launch date, and works correctly, I'm rooting for it. I'm getting first or second day, because I know that even if Sony is a little late on the release dates, they still pull thru by having the greatest gameing system out there. Xbox is ok it your 30 something and live with your mom. I like Halo (also, I'm not 30 something. Just 15.) But thats just about the only big title for Xbox. Wii just looks extremly gay to me, I know its cheap, and it should be; a cheap price for a worthless system. I mostly want Ps3 for all the games I played and lived on the Ps2. Such as Metal gear solid, Devil may cry, Kingdom hearts, Final fantasy, and all the other great titles only availabe on PS2(I know that some of the older Final Fantasyies are on other systems, so don't give me any lip. Final fantasy crystal chronicles sucked. and FFXI was already out for PS2.)
Narutocmz's comments