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SONY vs NINTENDO vs MICROSOFT = The Nextgen Console War Has Just Began!


PS4 Revealed

PS4 Controller

New PS4 Controller With Touchpad


Yesterdays PS4 announcment marks the date for the new console war. Yes I know Nintendo went first with Wii U but there was no competitor to start the war with. anyway here what I think about the current sitaution with new nextgen console wars. These are my opinion they may not mach with yours :-)

After going throught all the information and reading through peoples comments, many people did not like the fact about Sony not revealing everything and not showing the actual console itself. I realised. not everyone got the point that Its a Console War and Sony is maintaining a balance of information sharing to maintain the customers curiosity level at the top and in the same time leaving their competitor 'Microsoft' with guess work. 

After PS2's Success Sony was arrogant, they did not took Microsoft very seriously, they did not thought that PS2 customer would let them down. Microsoft took them by surprise and the inclusion of Bluray cost them a lot of time and money. but it looks like they have learned a lot from their PS3 Mistakes and they also learned from most recent Nintendo Wii U launch as well (again the same arrogance issue). So they are not releasing everything at once. information they released are just enough to keep people engaged and not too much so that Microsoft can do the last minute tweaking to come up with a better console. its another way they are saying Microsoft 'The ball is on your court now mate'.

Sony was not suppose to reveal the PS4 first, they were waiting for MS to go first,(remember what Kaz Hirai said just month before the PS meeting, not to release PS4 first) but they got some sort of intel about the next Xbox specs that made them confidante to go ahead first. I'm sure Sony is keeping their eyes peeled for the next Xbox announcement. this time they are really serious.

Next Xbox

Next Xbox?

I'm pretty sure they will watch what Microsoft dose with their 'March' or 'E3' Xbox announcement and move accordingly. so be sure that there will be last minute tweak for the console specs. remember that in the x86 PC architecture there is always room for increasing the CPU/GPU clock speed and increasing the amount of RAM so and so forth to make the console look superior in paper. Gaikai may become Sony's trump card but ist too early to tell. Not blocking the Used Games at launch is a good move by Sony. But eventually they will do this down the road, 2 years into the consoles life maybe. 

Microsoft is still in the 'To be or not to be' situation with inclusion of Bluray, or go all digital Download and blocking Used Games. But you can bet that they also have some neat tricks under their sleeves as well. So the are not going to sit there and let Sony go with out a fight.

Wii U

Wii U Hit or a Miss?

As of Nintento Wii U, it's still early to say if they are going share the same fate of SEGA Dreamcast or not. But they have made some really bad choice this time with Wii U. Their marketing effort is really bad and choosing the name Wii U instead of Wii 2 was a greatest mistake they have ever made. Recent reletionship with EA is also not looking good for Nintendo. With the new controller and system Nintendo is in a situation where their console is not targeted to the Core gamer nor to the Casual gamers. its too early to predict Wii U's future, but surely Nintendo is not in the same war with Sony and Microsoft, that is hardcore gaming market.

Whats going to happen to the Next gen consoles only time will tell But in My opinion the nextgen console war's just began and its looking very intense. What do you think?


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