NateBrooks' forum posts
GamerTag: Nate D Brooks
Please ADD ME!
I need friends. Newbie to XBL!
I am playing Assassin's Creed actually and TOP SPIN 2. Challenge me to a match if you dare!
Add my GamerTag Nate D Brooks
I'm new to Xbox Live I need friends. Or just give me your Xbox Live GT!
Oww yeah..that's another thing.
I don't play Shooters. I hate all types of shooting games...that only because i hate first person veiw for some odd reason.
I play about everything else though.
And 40 is my Dad's age...i wouldn't want him in my friends list, so why would i want another 40 year old on it?
I hope they do like an update, then again im thinkin about upgrading to an 8GB mp3 playerpunishergreenI have a 2GB Creative Zen MP3......and it connects instantly when I plug the USB into my 360. But do you have the correct USB for your ZEN? The one that came with it? If not.....and your using another USB that happens to fit your ZEN, that might be your problem..but if that not might be because your console is older.....or your didn't NAME your Zen....... If what i've said doesn't apply than I'm sorry.because i have ZEn and works great with my 360 PRO.
I want to see Bullet Witch 2!
With the nessessary changes to the gameplay and high quality graphics, and visually amazing spells, I really thing it would be revolutionary.
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