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NatendoWhisky64 Blog

4 years later

Holy crap guys, if anyone reads this I was just stopping on by to check out some things on the site and completely forgot I had an account on here. I remember the good friends I made through here and hope you're all doing well, it's been quite a few years since then. I've recently taken up editing as a hobby and I hope to go to college for it next year, lame update I know but that's about all I have to say.

If you feel like keeping up to date with my work, I have a youtube channel where I post my work and other funny videos, Take it easy everybody! :D

Nathan's back, after... 6 months?

Back from my crazed life of working, playing games, and a long week of school.

It's been a while since I set foot on this site, and haven't really seen the need for it either. I've lost touch with most of my friends from this site except for mostly Symon. But another reason is a group of friends, and my website. We've been having to check it everyday to make sure it's being run properly. Mixed in with all that I'm working on a Rap album with a friend of mine, where we will both being doing the raps and hopefully we can get signed because of this. Don't sweat it all of you who enjoy Rock music, because I am more into Metal, and Rock than anything else.

Gaming wise I picked up Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake. Red Dead is being returned, only because I hate Rockstar, and this game is the exact same thing as their previous piece of crap game GTA IV. But I didn't buy Red Dead, it was a gift from the store, so I'm going to sell it lol. Alan Wake is good, I haven't had much time to beat it... even though it's a game I could actually beat in one night. I'm trying to get every bit of enjoyment out of it, so I'm taking it slow... VERY SLOW. I believe I'm a little past halfway done the game and I'm enjoying every bit of the story line. It has a lot of plot twists and a unique gameplay mechanic. The graphics are also very stunning, not quite as smooth as a PS3 game, but I have a feeling if this game was on PS3 it'd be the most graphicly amazing game to date.

Sine the last time I signed in I've beaten a numerous amount of new games such as Brutal Legend, Darksiders, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Metro 2033 (AMAZING GAME!), Sonic and Sega Racing, and Splinter Cell. On PS3 I've beaten Demon Souls, Dantes Inferno, God of War III, and all 3 Ratchet n Clank games (one is DLC). I was extremely dissapointed with God of War III, I actually traded it in after I beat it. The only time I was impressed was the first level of the game, after that it was a very short game, very repetitive and just lost my interest.

I've also 1k'd many games on the 360 since then, including Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4, Assassins Creed 2, Darksiders, Metro 2033, Sonic and Sega racing, Mirror's Edge, and a few more that I can't remember. I'm SO close on SPlinter Cell Conviction though, nobody will play the multiplayer with me enough to get the last 4. I can get them on my own... but it's no fun.

This is all going to be jumbled like everything else I write about but here goes:

Non-gaming related, I recently got a 15 cent raise at my wonderful job at Gamestop lmao. Only because I haven't been working there for a full year, otherwise it would've been 30 cents. I really could care less about the money I make, I love working there. I've made a lot of good friends.

I just finished a 10 page essay on my favorite band Disturbed for school. My "History of Rock Music" **** Easy credit so I took the ****lol, well it was easy until this crazy report. I have to present it on Tuesday to my techaer (remember I'm doing online schooling) so she will give me a call sometime that day so I can "present" it. Strangest presentation I think I will ever give.

I'm finishing up watching all the Bleach episodes that are in English. It's a great show, but my number one anime will always be Deathnote. :)

I've went through many girlfriends since my last visit here, and I'm on the hunt for a beautiful girl named Sarah next door to gamestop who works at Dairy Queen... so ... WISH ME LUCK! lol.

I'm heading out for my usual trip to Iowa on June 11th, hopefully this year goes much better than last year. I'm not going to go into detail, but it kinda blew. I'm getting transfered between jobs so I can still work during the summer, and the store I'm transfering to is right next to a taco bell! YES! My favorite fast food restaraunt! I'll be so fat after the summer...

Around December my best friend in the world, someone I spent everyday with died... It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. I didn't do anything but lay in bed crying for like a week. Looking back I see it as pathetic, but the night it happened was the worst night in my life. I'll never forget it, and I still pray for him everyday.

Okay on a better note, that's all I can think of at the moment, I hope all of you guys/ladies are livin the good life right about now. Let me know your plans for summer! Hopefully none of you have summer schooling.. that would suck...

*talks in Morgan Freemans voice* "THE END".

To the Batmobile! ... Anyone?

Hello everyone! My home computer is working again now that I have returned from Iowa. Perfect timing I must say, I missed having so much free access to a computer. So I'll try and fill you all in on whats been going on with me. Anyways.... Ah Yes!, as the title says to the batmobile. I have most definitly been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. One of my new favorite games on the xbox 360. It's amazing, I have no other words for it... just amazing. You'll have to just play it to find out. And even if your not a Batman fan (like me, I dispised him only liked the villians) you will still like the game. The way you play the game seemed like a mixture between the all powerful and amazing Assassin's Creed with the free - flow combat. And Splinter Cell with the sneaking, and gadgets that you can use to take out your enemies. And plus, instilling fear in your enemies is always an AMAZING thing to do. :twisted: But without giving away much more about the game I'm giving it a final score of 9.7 for being one of THE best action adventure games I've played.

I go in for a job interview soon, at a job that will remain nameless until I begin working there. it's been put off for a long time, but hopefully it was well worth the wait.

I start school September 8th, so about another week of doing nothing. But this weekend I am visiting my great grandparents so that will give me something to do. With none of my electronics... :cry:

I honestly have no clue what to blog about, I'm just happy to have my computer back. So I figured... "Why not post a blog?". So if some things seem random and 'List like' then you are now informed why.

OH YES!, I have recently gotten into an AMAZING anime called Deathnote, and I finished all the episodes and mangas and loved it. it was so twisted it seemed like the anime was made directly for me to watch and wonder how the next person will be killed. That doesn't make me seem phsychotic now does it? :twisted: And then after I finished watching all of those my friend got me into the anime Bleach, and I think this one is pretty good too. But nowhere near as good as Deathnote.

New Fear 2 DLC campaign is coming out September 3rd which I can't wait for! FEAR 2 is an absolutely amazing game and I'm ready to be scared out o fmy pants a second time with this one. Also, side note for anyone who enjoys scary games... don't buy Dead Space if your looking to be scared. Buy Dead Space if your looking for an intense survival game. It's not scary at all, but still an amazing game. (What did I tell you? Random...)

Umm... I watched a great movie about 6 times in the past couple of days called "I love you, Man". great movie, I reccomend it to anyone who watches movies... and doesn't feel uncomfortable when hearing jokes about "private areas" :oops:

Alright before I start talking about the many attempts to sit on Hannah Montana last weekend I better end the blog. So, Adios Amigos! *Hops in Batmobile and drives to Babies R Us*

*A Creech n Spawn Joint* 8)

Don't have much Computer time...

I'm out at my dad's and living well. It's pretty hot out here, which sucks, but I can finally get my tan! :D (I don't tan.. so I'll find an alternative)

But yeah, I don't get much computer time, so I may not even get to put everything I wanted to in this blog. My dads girlfriend and her son have a MMORPG game that they play ALL the time. It's either her or him, which I don't mind. It makes me look less odd for being on Xbox - LIVe so much. :lol: So, I'll see what I can squeeze in here before I have to go see my cousin this afternoon.

First off, I've been playing the lovely game of Prototype for the past week. And even though I could have beaten it by now, I've decided to make it last. These sandbox games, if you stick to the story, can go by pretty fast. And this one is no differemt, so I'm trying to complete everything I can before I actually beat the game. Like killing 53odd thousand zombies. I'm at 20k right now, so I'll continue tonight. :)

I've also been hanging out with the fellows at the Gamestop I'm aiming to work at on xbox-LIVE. we were up playing Left 4 Dead, and my custom maps on Halo 3 last night before they had to get off, and before I gave into my hunger for Prototype.

Today I'm hoping to get MS points to get the new Assassins Creed 2 dashboard theme, and maybe a movie I don't know yet...

I played bad-mitten (whatever its called) with a smoke bomb yesterday :x We had a bag of them, and it was fun. :twisted: We tied two together, and before we had a chance to hit it, it blew the wick off and it wizzed right by my eye. I was thankful it didn't go in, otherwise I'd be in the emergency room. :(

By the way, I'd like to point out how nice of a computer set-up they have here. A nice, what lookes like 20 inch, flatscreen, very high quality picture DELL. With a wireless keyboard (me likey :) ) and a wireless mouse. I'm not used to such fancy smancy stuff. Very sweet.

Turns out I'm not going to that concert. MY dads car broke down, and hes pay 1,000 dollars to fix it... :| So it sucks pretty bad. If I knew what exactly happened I'd let you know but unfortunatly I don't.

So, I'll put a little breif rant about this in here, since I don't have much time. But is everyone else aware that we cannot by 1 month Xbox-LIVe cards anymore? The reason?PEOPLE WHO SELL THEIR F**KIN HALO F**KIN 3 ACCOUNTS ON EBAY AND ONLY USE THE ONE MONTH FREE MEMBERSHIP THEY ARE GIVEN AT THE START OF A GOD D*MNED ACCOUNT! SH*T! I can't believe this sh*t. I know someone who makes damn accounts for Halo every two days because, God forbid he loose a match and "tarnish" his record... Pff... I want to stomp on every one of these idiots Halo copy and then replace the game with a copy of the show Gilmore Girls. That outta teach 'em. So now, I have to pony up 20 dollars or more to pay for my LIVE time, instead of a small fee of 7.95, and once I get the extra cash, 50 dollars to a one year subscription. So, to all you Halo Generals and Brigadiers that thinkyour so cool because you bought it, or even attained the rank on your own, HONESTLY nobodycares what rank you are! When I run into one I don't think to myself, "Holy Dingus! He's a level 50 Brigadier! I hate my life... I must be like him... I'll never win against him". Rank doesn't mean squat. I can't stand it.I'm not saying I can beat them all, but geez everyone just needs to stop trying to be better than others and just play for the love of what your playing. Nobody is gonna make fun of you for just having fun, unless they are one of those people who develop MAJOR internet balls and make fun of your race, and the way you talk.And if I get one comment froma PS3 fanboy saying that if I played PS3 then I would get online for free, you are immediatly off my friends list and I don't care where you go from there. Because honestly, fanboys, nobody gives a sh*t. OH MY GOD< ARE YOU SERIOUS!? MGS4!? NO WAY! Piss off...

DJ Hero!? ... Seriously? *facepalm*

Yeah as the title suuggests, theres a new "Hero" game coming out. DJ Hero *fans scream everywhere, and cry for the Jonas Brothers* Seriously... What the HELL!? First we're outraged by the God awful Guitar, drums and microphone that are being shipped with Guitar Hero, and Rock band. But now we are gonna have a huge piece of cheap, plastic turntable sitting in our gaming space. PLus, we know it's gonna break and cause a bunch of trouble. I see know problem with making games like this to only be compatible with the standard controller. Almost all my friends will not touch the guitar for guitar hero. So they can't "enjoy" World Tour, or Rock Band. Playing a FAKE guitar and a FAKE Drum Set, and making your american Idol dreams come true with the FAKE microphone isn't gonna make you more of a rockstar then you already are sitting at home playing those games. So know we get the AWESOME chanceto put our hand jerking motion to good use! (bad pun) :|

This very "original" idea has been going on for way too long, and too many people are giving them the motive to makemore than 6 different Guitar Hero games, already 2 Rockband games and now DJ Hero... When the first couple games came out it was ok, 6 damn games is rediculous. Especially since they come out in less than a year apart. And now they're using EMinem and Jay Z to sell it. What would these people do without the help of there celebrities? They're practically dependent on celebrities to sell their games. Eminem and Jay Z are a great way to do it, since both of them are amazing, but reducing them to this is just wrong.

I think my good friend Kodu said it best when he posted:

"So uh... When do we get plastic Trumpets, Trombones, and Saxophones for Ska Hero?

And I don't even want to know how much this is going to cost if it involves nothing but rap "artists"... They're only in it for the money... Much like Metallica."

And its very true, because at the rate their going we will have "Orchestra Hero" "Living Zombie Hero Killer Hero Killer Hero" "Cello Hero" "Rev Your Chainsaw Bayonet to the Rythm Hero" "Hannah Montana Hero" "Jonas Brothers Hero" and "Jump up in down Hero". BUt, lets keep this rant to a minimum, so I'll move onto another topic.

I can't view blogs. Everytime I've tried to view Kodu'sand Reg's blog today I come up with an Error page. It's so beautiful... big black screen... ERROR written in Orange letters, with a short description saying: Invalid Topic. It's truly... inspiring :) So, I don't know whats going on today on Gamespot, maybe its the fac tthat they posted something positive about DJ Hero in a topic, who knows. :?

Anyway that's all. I wasn't going to post a blog today until I signed on and the word "Eminem" caught my eye. Boy was that tragic... ANywho, have a good day everyone talk to ya soon.

A Creech n Spawn joint 8)

My Spot seems saved

So I walked into gamestop with my application in hand, along with a few trade-ins. Trasded in my Controller, Sacred 2, Legendary, and Harvest Moon for the Wii and got 70-something dollars for it. Asked Giovanni (guy at counter) some questions about my application, filled out the two things I was missing, and then went over to the Xbox 360 game shelf.

Giovanni comes over to me and says that I have a REAL good chance of working there after the summer! :D SWEETNESS! WOOT! Then he takes a closer look, and sees that I was reffered by Scott. He looks at me and says, the Scott who works here? And I agreed, and then he says I don't see why you won't get the job now. ... I didn't ask why. Maybe Scott owned that Gamestop, or maybe he knew whoever owned that particular gamestop I don't know. What I do know is... I was reffered by the right guy. :lol: so Giovanni and everyone at Gamestop handed over there gamertag... but I only managed to get Giovanni's on paper for the time being. My mom wanted to head over to wal-mart... But yeah, I'm feeling very confident that I will be working there soon! :D YESH!WOOT! SWEET!

in gaming news, I have not touched Wolverine since my last blog post. I've been trying to beat Bionic Commando on Commando difficulty, and I'm at 57%. I've also been playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 a lot more than usual, and have been doing a lot better than usual. Like last night I was the last person in Team Leader on my team, the other team had thier leader, and their full team left. I ran around with my beautiful FNC (silenced because I didn't want them finding me) and took out the team and won it for us. :) Hearing the cheers of my team made me so proud of my virtual accomplishment. :P

Also, I am looking forward to E3, I am glad its going to be on the Xbox 360 this year since I know my mom won't let me be on her computer long enough to watch it all. So I will miss out on the fancy emblem on Gamespot, but not the actual show.

So, as I sit here finishing my chocolate milk, made by the crunchy coco puffs that used to reside in it, I bid you farewell until my next blog.

A Creech n Spawn joint. 8)

Another day, ... well, Another day

Hey everyone, I'm staying true to my word and staying active... Atleast for the time being. First, I would like to apologize to all of my friends on MSN messenger that I haven't talked to in a while,since my other computer is messed up right now I can't get on it. And my mom doesn't want me downloading stuff onto her computer, so again I am sorry.

I've been working my way further into the Bionic Commando campaign on the hardest difficulty, and its pretty frustrating. Like most games on the hardest difficulty, you have to find new ways to tackle your enemies since you die pretty fast. So I am tackling it a few levels per day,so I don't start hating the game. :P And I have a seperate campaign going on EASY difficulty so I can get all the collectibles, and try for all those darn Accomplishments, or whatever they're called.

I got a little bit further into Wolverine, and it seems to get a little better. I'm not dieing as much, or anymore I should say. Frustration gets the best of me though with this game. I walk by things that I'm supposed to press and then I can't figure out what to do, or it won't show the method to killing an enemy until I've been beaten up by him for a while. I'm hoping I can beat it, but when its competing with Bionic Commando, it's hard to say that its good. :?

I just filled out my job application for Gamestop. Hopefully if things go well I will begin working there after the summer, and I'm hoping it does, because even if I get paid less than my job I have now, I know I will love working at gamestop. People who know what a video game is, discounts on video games, and just a cool place to be. :D

June 7th I'm headed to a friends Graduation party. (from High school) Never been to one of those before, so I'm hoping I'll have fun, and not be too out of place.

Then on June 11th I'm heading out to Iowa to visit my dad for the summer. So I'm going to get packed soon. Bringing my HDTV, and games of course. And I'm going to a concert this summer for 3 Doors Down, which I'm not sure if I'm excited about it or not. I'm not really a concert type of person... mainly because... well, I've never been to one. :lol: I'll be completely out of my comfort zone, but it shouldn't be too bad.

So.. yeah a lot to look forward to, and a lot to do now. I still have my finals to look forward too, and I'm reading a book called "Night" for Literature class, so studying a reading is a must right now. Alright talk to you all later, and HAve a Good day! :D

A Creech n Spawn joint. 8)

Been Hangin Around

Yep I sure have. I've been hangin around playing Bionic Commando lately after my dissapointing purchase of Sacred 2. *breaks Sacred 2 disc and shoots what little pieces are left* I can't believe I payed 60 dollars for Sacred 2 and am only gonna get 20 dollars trade in value for it...

Anywho, yes Bionic Commando is great. I loved it on my first playthrough, and I am loving it on my current playthrough for the collectibles. The game is a 1k-able game (meaning able to get 1000 without multiplayer) which is what I'm going for now. The controls are very easy to get used to, and the action is non stop; not a dry moment in sight. Did I also mention the graphics were good? So overall I give it a 9.0/10. :D

I also picked up Wolverine because I found the demo to be great. I haven't played much of it since Bionic Commando is so awesome and taking up my playing time. But I have to say... I'm pretty sure I liked Wolverines demo better. I just don't see how some super human, steroid taking, regenerating idiot can die so fast. :? It's just not accurate inmy opinon. But then again, I haven't played much of it, and aren't used to all of the controls yet, so I'll give it some time to get past its low score of 5.0/10. :(

Recently I finished FEAR 2. :| Yeah... lets just say I gave my friends on LIVE a glimpse at the side of me they never knew. The scared, shrieking side. :lol: Boy is that Alma a b**ch Although, after the first two or three levels I started to not get scared anymore, and I actually wanted those freay crawling guys to grab my scream, just so I could tap B to punch them in the face, or kick them off of me. :P Then I came across a school level and about crapped my pants. But would I go through all of this again? Absolutely, I loved the game and give it a 9.0/10. :)

I also have been taking some time on Halo 3 to continue my forging. I am part of a forge group on, and we were granted the honor to have two weeks of Bungie favorites for people that are part of the group. I'm either going on there with a map, or a film clip. I'm hoping a map... but we shall see. :)

I'm so close to getting all 1000 Gamerscore for Rainbow Six Vegas 2, but I can never find people willing to help me get these last few achievements, since getting them seems near impossible... BUT I haven't given up trying ye. ;)

In non game related news, I have my finals coming up... Hurray? More like... SH*T! i am not doing good in Algebra this year, it just doesn't seem to stick in my head, so I'm studying a lot, and hoping it all goes well, but we shall see.

Yes I notice I haven't been on Gamespot a lot, and I've been meaning to get on recently, but my other computer thats in my room is messed up so I'm forced to use my moms computer which I can rarely get on since shes on it most of the time. (writing her book) I hope to be more active here again, and I will be see you guys later! :D

A Creech n Spawn joint. 8)

GS messin up me videos!

So, after almost a full day of working on my newest and greatest video. I upload it yesterday, and I go to view it. Well, it turns out GS decided to make my video horrible! It's all pixely, and everything looks like a blob. So, I'm sorry you can't view it. This was the only one I'm actually proud of too...

I did send it to a few of my friends through IM and they said it was awesome. :D But, how do you trust your friends telling you something is great. :lol: Maybe they were just sparing my feelings... who knows... But all the same, it made me feel good about what I made, and is pushing me to make more.

This Friday is my birthday, and I'm having my best two friends over John and Shaquille. To bad highspeed hasn't come yet... *spits on verizon* I really don't know what we'll do... but my uncle an dI have two free bowling games to play, so we might do that. Maybe I can beat my horrible score of 70 something. :lol:

Anyways, not much to say here, I just wanted to apologize to all of you for the horrible quality of my videos... I had no idea they would look that horrible once I let GS get there hands on them... :x And I can't upload it to Youtube yet, I have to go to work to do that becuase I can't sign in to my profile at home. So, this'll jus thave to wait. :(

Have a good day everybody, and here's the quote:

"Santa would like to buy you some panties little girl"

A Creech n Spawn Joint 8)

My new videos! Hand made...

Yeah yeah, I know I only made a blog yesterday, but I finally got my hands on a small video camera... My LIVE vision camera. :P An dI made some videos with it. They are both from today, and both using footage fromt he same game, but I think I did a pretty good job fornot having a clue on how to use the program. :lol:

I woul dlove your feedback onthe two videos, prefereably the newer one. but, please leave your feedback on the video. :D

I know the quality is bad, and it's not as good as it can be, but hey, it's good fro about and hour or twos work. :) Atleast for me anyways. :P So, I hope you all enjoy them. :D