I'm out at my dad's and living well. It's pretty hot out here, which sucks, but I can finally get my tan! :D (I don't tan.. so I'll find an alternative)
But yeah, I don't get much computer time, so I may not even get to put everything I wanted to in this blog. My dads girlfriend and her son have a MMORPG game that they play ALL the time. It's either her or him, which I don't mind. It makes me look less odd for being on Xbox - LIVe so much. :lol: So, I'll see what I can squeeze in here before I have to go see my cousin this afternoon.
First off, I've been playing the lovely game of Prototype for the past week. And even though I could have beaten it by now, I've decided to make it last. These sandbox games, if you stick to the story, can go by pretty fast. And this one is no differemt, so I'm trying to complete everything I can before I actually beat the game. Like killing 53odd thousand zombies. I'm at 20k right now, so I'll continue tonight. :)
I've also been hanging out with the fellows at the Gamestop I'm aiming to work at on xbox-LIVE. we were up playing Left 4 Dead, and my custom maps on Halo 3 last night before they had to get off, and before I gave into my hunger for Prototype.
Today I'm hoping to get MS points to get the new Assassins Creed 2 dashboard theme, and maybe a movie I don't know yet...
I played bad-mitten (whatever its called) with a smoke bomb yesterday :x We had a bag of them, and it was fun. :twisted: We tied two together, and before we had a chance to hit it, it blew the wick off and it wizzed right by my eye. I was thankful it didn't go in, otherwise I'd be in the emergency room. :(
By the way, I'd like to point out how nice of a computer set-up they have here. A nice, what lookes like 20 inch, flatscreen, very high quality picture DELL. With a wireless keyboard (me likey :) ) and a wireless mouse. I'm not used to such fancy smancy stuff. Very sweet.
Turns out I'm not going to that concert. MY dads car broke down, and hes pay 1,000 dollars to fix it... :| So it sucks pretty bad. If I knew what exactly happened I'd let you know but unfortunatly I don't.
So, I'll put a little breif rant about this in here, since I don't have much time. But is everyone else aware that we cannot by 1 month Xbox-LIVe cards anymore? The reason?PEOPLE WHO SELL THEIR F**KIN HALO F**KIN 3 ACCOUNTS ON EBAY AND ONLY USE THE ONE MONTH FREE MEMBERSHIP THEY ARE GIVEN AT THE START OF A GOD D*MNED ACCOUNT! SH*T! I can't believe this sh*t. I know someone who makes damn accounts for Halo every two days because, God forbid he loose a match and "tarnish" his record... Pff... I want to stomp on every one of these idiots Halo copy and then replace the game with a copy of the show Gilmore Girls. That outta teach 'em. So now, I have to pony up 20 dollars or more to pay for my LIVE time, instead of a small fee of 7.95, and once I get the extra cash, 50 dollars to a one year subscription. So, to all you Halo Generals and Brigadiers that thinkyour so cool because you bought it, or even attained the rank on your own, HONESTLY nobodycares what rank you are! When I run into one I don't think to myself, "Holy Dingus! He's a level 50 Brigadier! I hate my life... I must be like him... I'll never win against him". Rank doesn't mean squat. I can't stand it.I'm not saying I can beat them all, but geez everyone just needs to stop trying to be better than others and just play for the love of what your playing. Nobody is gonna make fun of you for just having fun, unless they are one of those people who develop MAJOR internet balls and make fun of your race, and the way you talk.And if I get one comment froma PS3 fanboy saying that if I played PS3 then I would get online for free, you are immediatly off my friends list and I don't care where you go from there. Because honestly, fanboys, nobody gives a sh*t. OH MY GOD< ARE YOU SERIOUS!? MGS4!? NO WAY! Piss off...