Back from my crazed life of working, playing games, and a long week of school.
It's been a while since I set foot on this site, and haven't really seen the need for it either. I've lost touch with most of my friends from this site except for mostly Symon. But another reason is a group of friends, and my website. We've been having to check it everyday to make sure it's being run properly. Mixed in with all that I'm working on a Rap album with a friend of mine, where we will both being doing the raps and hopefully we can get signed because of this. Don't sweat it all of you who enjoy Rock music, because I am more into Metal, and Rock than anything else.
Gaming wise I picked up Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake. Red Dead is being returned, only because I hate Rockstar, and this game is the exact same thing as their previous piece of crap game GTA IV. But I didn't buy Red Dead, it was a gift from the store, so I'm going to sell it lol. Alan Wake is good, I haven't had much time to beat it... even though it's a game I could actually beat in one night. I'm trying to get every bit of enjoyment out of it, so I'm taking it slow... VERY SLOW. I believe I'm a little past halfway done the game and I'm enjoying every bit of the story line. It has a lot of plot twists and a unique gameplay mechanic. The graphics are also very stunning, not quite as smooth as a PS3 game, but I have a feeling if this game was on PS3 it'd be the most graphicly amazing game to date.
Sine the last time I signed in I've beaten a numerous amount of new games such as Brutal Legend, Darksiders, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2, Metro 2033 (AMAZING GAME!), Sonic and Sega Racing, and Splinter Cell. On PS3 I've beaten Demon Souls, Dantes Inferno, God of War III, and all 3 Ratchet n Clank games (one is DLC). I was extremely dissapointed with God of War III, I actually traded it in after I beat it. The only time I was impressed was the first level of the game, after that it was a very short game, very repetitive and just lost my interest.
I've also 1k'd many games on the 360 since then, including Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4, Assassins Creed 2, Darksiders, Metro 2033, Sonic and Sega racing, Mirror's Edge, and a few more that I can't remember. I'm SO close on SPlinter Cell Conviction though, nobody will play the multiplayer with me enough to get the last 4. I can get them on my own... but it's no fun.
This is all going to be jumbled like everything else I write about but here goes:
Non-gaming related, I recently got a 15 cent raise at my wonderful job at Gamestop lmao. Only because I haven't been working there for a full year, otherwise it would've been 30 cents. I really could care less about the money I make, I love working there. I've made a lot of good friends.
I just finished a 10 page essay on my favorite band Disturbed for school. My "History of Rock Music" **** Easy credit so I took the ****lol, well it was easy until this crazy report. I have to present it on Tuesday to my techaer (remember I'm doing online schooling) so she will give me a call sometime that day so I can "present" it. Strangest presentation I think I will ever give.
I'm finishing up watching all the Bleach episodes that are in English. It's a great show, but my number one anime will always be Deathnote. :)
I've went through many girlfriends since my last visit here, and I'm on the hunt for a beautiful girl named Sarah next door to gamestop who works at Dairy Queen... so ... WISH ME LUCK! lol.
I'm heading out for my usual trip to Iowa on June 11th, hopefully this year goes much better than last year. I'm not going to go into detail, but it kinda blew. I'm getting transfered between jobs so I can still work during the summer, and the store I'm transfering to is right next to a taco bell! YES! My favorite fast food restaraunt! I'll be so fat after the summer...
Around December my best friend in the world, someone I spent everyday with died... It was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. I didn't do anything but lay in bed crying for like a week. Looking back I see it as pathetic, but the night it happened was the worst night in my life. I'll never forget it, and I still pray for him everyday.
Okay on a better note, that's all I can think of at the moment, I hope all of you guys/ladies are livin the good life right about now. Let me know your plans for summer! Hopefully none of you have summer schooling.. that would suck...
*talks in Morgan Freemans voice* "THE END".