well if you're host and your connection sucks the game will think you're standbying and you'll get -1500[QUOTE="CardiacKid07"][QUOTE="xL33TxTALENTx"] I have this same problem too, I don't quit and wait the entire ending out and I still lose xp!joke_man
Yup, what he said... Except I'm pretty sure if you are partied with someone who has the bad connection, bridged host, etc. I'm pretty sure you lose points to. But I don't think you lose points, you just score a big fat ZERO....
It's stupid I know. What's even worse is I ran into 5 our of 8 matches today with lag switching and then maybe 2 of those just had really bad lag. That's not the problem, the problem is, if I decide to leave the match because of a cheater, I lose points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
Oh yeah, I hate that. I personally hate the fact that rank was added into this game in the first place... but anyway, I hate when someone has lag switched, and then Im appearing behind buildings and on roofs and spazzing out. And I cant force myself to leave because I dont want to get 1500 points deducted. And then I wait through that whole match to only get like 84 points because my bullets dont hit the guy until after hes killed me. *facepalm*
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