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NaturalBornGamR Blog

Hallelujauah! (Spelling?)

Xbox Live is to me one of the greatest inventions ever concieved.. this is what I expected from gamming when sega developed their modem way way way back in the day, but it never saw the light of day... and would of been crappy anyways. Now we have finally reached that penicle in gamming where playing games with one another online with simultaneous voice chat is a reality! This is incredible! We have huge gamer friends lists... , a huge community of people out there to share information with and play games with... it's like dieing and going to gamer heaven. Wich brings me to this!......Street Fighter 2 is finally going online through XBOX live! This is something i've been waiting for, for quite some time. I've played this game online in the past through MAME and Kailera(spelling?) but it was almost always laggy, hard to find a good fight, no voice chat, and on a computer monitor... so it's not that great. Now maybe this installment will bring back those warm moments where I would be surrounded by friends playing good old Super Hyper Sf2 Champion Edition deluxe... The game has aged a bit, but I still think i'll be able to get quite a bit of enjoyment out of it. For those of you who don't know my gamertag on LIVE, it is VxGasAttack (the name of a Skinny Puppy song) I'll be playing alot of Halo 2 online as well!