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Broken Xbox - Day 15

Now that I have vented all of my anger out on my last wall post, I can finally talk normal again. The days are getting longer. It's been two weeks without my xbox. My days are becoming boring when I'm at home or not with my friends. Everyone says to go on live and play Halo but I can't.

I haven't played my Wii at all even though I have a couple of games to play:

Resident Evil 4 (beat it on Gamecube)

Super Mario Galaxy (need 20 something stars)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (waiting to go to my cousins house so I can copy my file from his so I don't have to restart it from the beginning)

Super Smash Brothers (my brother is at school so can't play multiplayer)

Metroid Prime 3 (beat it though)

Four and something days until my scheduled delivery - hopefully nothing is screwed up. I'm in a bad mood still, thinking that my console was supposed to come in yesterday. But whatever, I'll play some cards, watch a movie, Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire tomorrow so that's a plus. Anyway - i'm bored.