The Pitt is a download that can be bought in the marketplace. This is the second DLC for Fallout 3 with Operation Anchorage being the first. Operation Anchorage was a disappointment and I must be honest in my review that The Pitt also comes out short. Just like Operation Anchorage you get a distress call from your Pipboy and you must find the location where the call came from. You find a man who came a "slave city" known as The Pitt. When you first enter the actual pitt, you are stripped of everything you have expect a weapon your friend gives you. You then must find a cure because a lot of people are sick and dying and turning into creatures that lurk in some places of The Pitt. Now this DLC also comes with two new weapons: The Auto Axe: a huge chainsaw like melee weapon and The Infiltrator: a silenced assault rifle that uses 5.56mm bullets. Now the assault rifle isn't that powerful in my opinion but the Auto Axe is actually a one shot one kill with the creatures when you use VATS. Now this is a disappointing DLC because it's only two missions (I believe) and I thought there could be more stuff you could do after completing it. But it was good to get out of the Capital Wasteland for a change. This DLC is 800 microsoft points and if you liked Fallout 3, I will recommend it to you but you will feel a similarity to Operation Anchorage. . . . disappointment. The Pitt recieves a 7.8 out of 10
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