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Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

So when I downloaded the new content for Fallout 3, I was surprised as they thought of an idea of using the outcast Brotherhood of Steel. If first starts with you receiving a emergency message on your Pipboy 3000 and go towards a location where you fight along the outcasts. After that, you enter their base and asked to enter a computer simulator to complete to unlock an armory. The simulation takes place in Alaska and I was a little mad when I kept on dying because you can't bring the stimpaks into the simulator and have to wait to find a health re-generator and an ammo dispenser to replenish your ammo. Yea you can't pick up weapons or anything. Now the cool part is becoming a Colonel and taking control of a team of any type of soldiers you want to take down the Chinese. This made it like Rainbow Six Vegas but a little bit simpler. Now a new weapon they give you is a Gauss Rifle that shoots one microfusion cell at a time (yes you can get it after the simulator). After all of this and it ended, I was thinking "Ok, what is worth the money?". I was a little bit disappointed with Operation Anchorage but still a lot of fun. Plus with two more DLC taking place in Pittsburgh and some more quests with the Main Quest coming up, Operation Anchorage is basically the Prologue to these extra downloads. I decided to give DLC a rating. Operation Anchorage is given a 8.3 out of 10.