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No More Heroes 2, GoldenEye 007 and Dead Space 2

Happy New Year to everyone - I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas. Now new games.

1) GoldenEye 007 - My Uncle, the man that he is, wanted to get me a Wii game and I said that I like shooters (as you may have guessed) and he knew exactly what to get me. GoldenEye 007 - boy this brought back old times. Back on the 64 version, my cousins, my brother and I would play this over and over again because it was that good. Now I have the Wii (Daniel Craig) version of James Bond. The controls are dead on accurate and it is just plain fun. I found it a little hard at first to sneak around the areas but after getting use to the game, I have been sneaking ever since. The shootouts are awesome too and Bond controlling a tank . . . . ehhhh a little iffy that Bond would do such a thing but still awesome.

2) No More Heroes 2: Desparate Struggle - My brother (older and wiser) kept on telling me to get the No More Heroes games. Now I have played Killer7 on the Gamecube and I didn't want one of those games that would...........weird me out of playing it. But this game is SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! You have a "lightsaber" and you slice people in half......what more could you get? The action is bloody and funny. Before you kill someone the guy would scream "Please No!" or "S**t!". Then all you hear are screams. It is hilarious!!!!!!!!! But fun - get it.

3) Dead Space 2 (demo) - Now I wasn't a big fan of the first Dead Space's horror. By three hours in I knew exactly where these bastards were coming out of. But Dead Space 2 has all of that but I was scared. I mean facing thousands of these killer baby aliens in a cathedral is just freaky and then regular Necromorphs come out of nowhere behind pillars and attack you. But I love the weapons, especially the nail gun. I don't know if that's what you call it but basically you stick them to the wall and electricute them. But it's freaky, that's for sure.