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Praise for Dead Space 2 - Game of the Year Nomination in Hand?

As you may have known, my review from the first Dead Space was mixed. It had great atmoshpere (though looked the same) and the necromorphs come out from usual spots. I gave Dead Space 1 an 8.5 as it was a great game.

Now Dead Space 2 has come and my god has it taken my breath away!

The story, the atmosphere, the scares, the action, the suspense is FANTASTIC! The story takes place 3 years after the first game and it is chaotic. The atmospheres vary and you feel like in an actual place. Necromorphs still come out from vents but sometimes through doors, lockers, the ground and from behind you. There were many instances where I jumped from my seat as I totally forgot about the "playing dead" technique they use.

If you didn't feel the first game had a lot of scares, buy this game anyway. It is truly magnificent. I am about 1 1/2 hours through (Chapter 3) and I am loving it. . . . . . . . but I hate the child necromorphs the little sh*ts.