Well here they are, the nominations for game of the year. It was a year of great sequels as most of the games on this list are sequels. NOTE: The listing is only the nominations and not the winners. What I have decided to do is list the game and give the memorable moment in that game. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!
And here they are:
1) God of War III (Score: 9.8 ) - Well this was a great ending to the God of War trilogy. The story was excellent and the combat was as gruesome as we remembered it from the previous installments. The memorable moment has to be one of the boss fights. The Battle with Cronus - well facing Zeus' father is never easy. I mean he is the father of the God of Gods. The whole battle with this Titan is remarkable. The puzzle of climbing up this Titan and then gruesomely hurting him is just excellent. I mean who wasn't like "Jesus Christ this game is awesome" when you pulled out of his finger nails? Now all of the boss battles are fantastic but this one is the most memorable.
2) Red Dead Redemption (Score: 9.7) - I love westerns, who doesn't? F.Y.I. if anyone says that they don't like Clint Eastwood's western movies.........run. The memorable moment has to be the ending. You think you are free of the government, you return home and spend time with your family and then you are attacked by the government. The final stand does not save you this time as your revolver does not hold thirty bullets and you are shot down and killed while your wife and child disappear. A tragic ending indeed.
3) Call of Duty: Black Ops (Score: 9.7) - That ending was crazy. It's different from the other Call of Duty games and it works. You find out that you were brainwashed to kill John F. Kennedy and steal intel from the U.S. It is only after the final mission that we find out that it was the main character who really shot and murdered JFK. Wow.
4) Mass Effect 2 (Score: 10) - Well we have memorable endings but the opening scene is excellent. You are Commander Shepard who is trying to save his crew as his ship is under attack by an unidentified object. The Normandy (ship) is being blown to pieces and it is only after you save the pilot that you float into space and watch as you ship explodes and you burn up while entering a planet's atmosphere. And then you are recreated from the ashes...........HOLY CRAP. And that's the first ten minutes of the game.
5) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Score: 10) - Now this is gonna sound lame but I thought when Mario got control of the ship was the memorable moment. I know it's lame but this little guy becomes captain of a ship in the shape of Mario's head is excellent. Definately better than the first games ship. That's for sure.
6) Halo Reach (Score: 9.4) - I thought the most memorable moment was the story itself. You are a soldier who will suffer a painful death in the end of the game. It feels like you are wasting your time and fighting a loosing battle and later lose the battle. That's some deep s**t if you know what I mean.
So there ya have it. I'll announce my winner tomorrow.