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The Most Disappointing Game this Year

Well before I give my final nominations for my Game of the Year, I wanted to tell you guys what my most disappointing game this year was. And the winner is:

BioShock 2 - Ten years after the first game, you play as the first Big Daddy ever made. But you are more human than the other walking machines and your mission is to find a woman who was your Little Sister ten years before.

Now that the story is out of the way lets talk about it. Yes it was a HUGE disappointment. As you may know BioShock came in 3rd place on my all time list and I was expecting a lot from the sequel. What did I get? Well, more of the same. Now the same works for Fallout: New Vegas because it gives you a new storyline, a different wasteland, brand new characters and more fun. If there is one thing I remember from the first BioShock is entering the city. Taking that shuttle through the ocean, looking at the fish swim past you as you move. But when you reach the floor of Rapture, the lights are out, a man is murdered by a woman with claws, you knew some terribly wrong went in here.

BioShock 2 doesn't have the suspense, in fact it is just the opposite. There was nothing different about Rapture. Besides the Big Sisters and a new antagonist, Rapture didn't really change. Rapture worked in the first BioShock because we never saw anything quite like this before. BioShock 2 uses Rapture as a hook to lure in the fans of the first game to buy and play this game.

2 also does not have an awesome story, actually it doesn't even have a decent story. You don't care about the Big Daddy, the antagonist seems like she was pasted on to give a plot. There is no twist in this story (that I can remember) that made the first game such a success. That twist was magical (won't spoil just incase anyone hasn't played the game).

But I will give 2 some credit for giving us better gameplay. Hacking is easier this time around and the combat is more satisfying even though it's sort of odd that Big Daddys don't use plasmids but you do. The Big Daddy fights are now mini-bosses and the Big Sisters take the role as Boss. Now there isn't a big boss fight at the end (go figure) so the Big Sisters is the closest you will get to one. They are fast, jumpy, and use guns and plasmids. But even the Big Sisters have problems. They only appear after you find every Little Sister in the area so the element of surprise is non-existent. And they are kindof easy to kill since you have plasmids. Now you can protect the Little Sister as she draws adam from the dead bodies. You fight off waves of enemies until she finishes her collection. It's fun at first but after the second or third time doing it, you won't have to do it anymore.

I can go on but you guys get the point. BioShock 2, my most anticipated game this year, was a huge disappointment. I gave this game 7.4 and give it the winner of my Most Disappointing Game of the Year award.