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Top 10 List Part 2

Ok, this is the final part of my top 10 list. If you would like to see 10-6, look at the previous post. But without further ado, my top 5 favorite games of all time are:

5) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - The Game of the Year for 2009 had to be in the top 5. Not only does it have an action movie feel, it is also very good. Smart script, intense battles, suspension within the missions and a fantastic storyline to back it up. Indiana Jones would be proud!

4) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - The Game of the Year of 2007 and it is amazing. Like I said before, All Ghillied Up is one of the best missions evert created and looking down the scope of a .50 caliber sniper rifle, trying to fight the wind in order to hit your target from a mile away is awesome. Intense campaign and the multiplayer that redefined team work makes this game one of the best First Person Shooters.

3) BioShock - The Game of the Year of 2008 and it made Rapture come to life. Not only is this place magnificent to look at, but the creepy atmospheres, the writings on the wall and a storyline to show Andrew Ryan's climb to power is basically awesome. This is the game you must play, whether you like First Person Shooters or not. BioShock will win you over again and again . . . . . and again

2) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Well this didn't win Game of the Year but still my second favorite game of all time. As I said before, Vergil is the best antagonist in gaming by far. His badass look, his quickness with a sword and being the twin brother to Dante is great. He is truly a man who is willing to do anything for power and the final battle with him is the best. Even the first battle on top of the tower, rain and lightning all around you is fantastic. But enough about Vergil, let's talk about Dante. He's a badass. Whether he uses a guitar as a weapon or runs down the tower, doing acrobatic stunts in mid-air is reason enough to play this game. You will not be disappointed.

1) Mass Effect 2 - While this hasn't won Game of the Year . . . yet the perfect storyline, the RPG elements wrapped around the third person perspective makes Mass Effect 2 the best sci-fi game of the year and maybe the best in history. The good and bad karma truly make your character. Some can go to extremes like kicking someone through a window or stopping one of your allies from killing another man. It can get that heavy. But brilliant graphics and a finale unlike any other game makes this game an awesome adventure.

And there ya go. My countdown is finally complete!!