Natural_Mystic's forum posts
Little Big PlanetI would add Flower to that list
Resistance 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank
Am I missing anything?Nickelback4Life
Sure you're no longer a PS3 fanboy yet your post is filled with smears, noisy CD tray (saving games to HDD eliminates noise), obsolete model (the PS3 best version is no longer available), lag online (only exist in the mind of blind fanboys). Save your backhanded complements, instead you should be taking up a collection for Sony. I have a feeling they are going to need a handout really soon.Ok, I really enjoyed my PS3 fanboy status, but since my cd player died and Walmart is selling the 60 gig for under 195$ US, I decided to give the 360 a try. For now I must say I prefer the 360's controler because it's much bigger. The CD tray is noisy as hell tough. Also, I got a falcon and not the new Jasper... should I exchange it back for a Jasper later ? Also,the NXE and all the presentation is impressive, but I fear the lag when playing online compared with the PS3. Have a great holiday.
[QUOTE="Natural_Mystic"]both of those seem high.These estimates are in line with analyst predictions. Historically OCT sales double in NOV and double again in DEC.The 360 will sell at least 300k more than the PS3 in NOV.
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