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Coming Up: March 2010

Well Ive been posing on GameSpot for some while now and Its safe to say Ive found a new gaming home.

So, now this is going to be a permanent thing, I thought I would let you all know whats happening on the blog.

Firstly over the next couple of weeks I shall be updating the blog and re-writing a lot of posts so they are slightly easier to read.

Secondly, Im going to do more every month with new features and more blog posts etc.

Hope you have enjoyed what has been made so far. Thank you to the GS community for making me feel at home, and now, heres whats coming up over the next month:

  • More blog posts!
  • More videos!

as well as

  • A new video series, the DP. More info on that when it arrives. Its definately not what youre thinking thats for sure.
  • Ill also be taking a look at a few old consoles!

Finally, yes, I will be re-editing and re-uploading the Steam GUI Video for obvious reasons.

A pretty fun month ahead, hope you enjoy it!