Over the past few months, Ive had the great* task of thoroghly and critically analyzing a game. I wont go into why I must but needless to say its the most horrible assignment Ive ever been given.
Guess why? I was given London Racer (PSX).
The sheer nature and content of this game is of such a standard its probally not worth even writing a full analytical review here, instead,I shall write a difinitive list of 100 things the creators of London Racer, Davilex, could do to make the game better:
- Un-publish it
- Use it as a coaster
- Stamp on it
- Melt it
- Cast it into the sun
- Use as mirror
- Frizbee
- Use as dog toy
- Keep case for another game
- Strap CD to bomb
- Dont aknowledge its existence... oh, wait...
- Stick two together: Novelty glasses
- Sharpen edges, use as a saw
- Turn into necklace
- Put 2 together, Bikini!
- Melt down and re-mould as something better... like FFIIV...
- Melt down and re-sell plastic
- Snap CD in two
- Use as shiv
- Attatch to baloon, and see how high it goes
- Use it to repel alien brain washing devices (hang from roof)
- Annoy people on train by reflecting light off CD
- Attatch to feet in winter and use as skis
- attatch CDS to wall, retro art!
- Draw on it
- Skeet shooting
- Use as target at shooting ranges
- Use as Dog poop-a-scoop-a
- Use as an object to draw around
- Drill holes in it and use as an spirograph
- Drill a hole in it...
- Stick it in a microwave
- Use as a stress relief. Snap it when a good game annoys you
- Disguise as change and give it to a hobo
- put it into a broken CD drive and send the drive to be repaired, hopefully theyll just issue you a new drive in return
- Paint pink and disguise as ham
- Throw into ravive and see how far you can skip it
- Set on fire and frizbee into the night sky
- Stack a few to even a wonky table/chair
- Grab two and ping pong ball, use as raqet and play table tennis
- Competitions! How many can you snap in 10 minutes?
- Use as an electric conductor in scientific experements
- Geek bling hub caps
- Dangle from fishing rod in front of camera: Cheesy ufo in home movie
- Make into a clock
- Ran out of toilet paper?
- Waft away an unpleasant smell
- Use as bottle opener
- Use to pry open awkward boxes
- Christmas present for someone you dont like
- Birthday present for someone you dont like
- Lock in time capsule then bury it... then cement over it... on the side of a volcano
- Use it to clean gunk out of keyboard
- Roll over with a steam roller to discover how flat it can go
- Put in oven and see how long it takes to melt
- Use to burn stuff by reflecting sun
- Leave under someones windscreen wiper like a parking ticket
- Use to scoop dog food biscuits out of bag
- Melt and re-mould as lego
- Wedge open windows and doors
- use as bookmark
- cut into star and put on top of christmas tree
- Use as ice scraper for car windows
- Scoop away snow
- Erase data on disk and write something more useful onto it
- Draw a man on it with his crotch over the hole and stick your pinky through
- Beer mat
- Throw it into the ocean with address written on it, see which country it ends up in... youll probally get it back with a death threat on it however.
- Ditch that crazy girl whos stalking you by confessing your love for the game
- Make crap games look good by comparison, hold it upto a rubbish game and viola! Pippa Funnels pony express looks somewhat tangiable... but not much.
- Cut it up into small plastic meccano pieces
- Pat butcher ear-rings (google it for my international readers)
- Stack up and glue together, perfect doorstop!
- Bookmark
- The relist game, see how many times it doesnt sell on ebay, get relist highscores!
- Use as snow shoes
- Dangle from trees to scare birds
- Sharpen and use as make-shift razor for shaving
- Use to peel fruit
- Attatch to stick and turn into fly swatter
- Tile your floor with them
- Scratch up the CD and mail it back to Davilex
- At a friends house, pick up a good game and swap disks
- Windsheild cover
- At haloween, place on in a trick or treaters bag
- Use as wheels on a trolley
- Chop up and use as decorative gravel
- Use as a decorative facefplate for headphones
- Trapped on an island with about 1000 copies? Spell out SOS with them
- Glue loads together and attatch chain to them, makeshift mace
- Use as test subject for a braniac experiment
- Cut out plectrums out of the CD
- Drop one bedind you every couple of meters as a way of tracking where you have been
- Use as headband for ponytails
- Glue to forehead and look like a doctor
- Glue some end on end and use as blinds
- Cut out some fan blades and attatch to motor, cheap-o fan
- Frizbee at people you dont like
- Use to scrape out rat cage
- Make sure you have completely and fully achieved number 1
Special thanks to 3DMadness, Keyz, Emily