Suprising news from the world of GPU's, athe ATi brand is being scrapped. Thats right, no longer will ATi be something youll be referring to.
So whats actually going to happen then? Well, ATi will be renamed to... wait for it, AMD.
The reason for this is quite funny to be perfectly fair. According to ATi's parent company (coincidentally AMD), they ran a survey and found that AMD is a much more recognisable brand than ATi.
Huh? Since when. ATi and AMD are both recognisable brands arent they? Or is that just me?
Now for those of you who arent tech savvy, this strikes a few problems. Firstly, for ten years, ATi has been one of the two biggest GPU makes. Usually, when referring to graphics handling on a PC, its either ATi or nVidia. When it comes to CPU's however, its Intel and AMD.
So now AMD, will be a name for both GPU's and CPU's which strikes me as odd, as it is no longer one brand of product, its two.
In any case, in my opinion, there was no need for the change. In fact, according to the November 2010 issue of PC Gamer, the ATi GPU's were selling better than AMD CPU's.
Still, we'll no doubt be seeing the same quality of product as before, and thats something we can all be thankful for.