@gfantini: Yeah.....I'm with you on that nowadays-- grinding in these games that take so long to accomplish anything becomes a pain in the ass especially when there are so many more games out there. With the PP though, the grinding is actually worthwhile. In fact, the term "grinding" is obsolete here as you can basically unlock so many things with just a few different varieties in missions. As long as you stick to the things you enjoy in the game you should enjoy it overall. Although a lot of the side missions sort of repeat themselves the outcome is awarding and helps you get what you want. Sticking to main story missions helps you unlock other features that are extremely worthwhile like the Legendary Gunsmith which helps you customize guns-- this is where it gets fun to stick with weapons you like that you can make your own.
@gfantini: Besides the lack of story and the problem with the world being so huge and a lot of it being desolate, then you should at least enjoy the gameplay elements it offers....which are some of the best out there for stealth action. There were actually a lot of features available in PP that were missing in GZ. You'd have to explain what you didn't like about GZ to understand if you'd enjoy PP.??
I hate to be the PC fanboyist this generation loves to be called out on (even though I own a PS4 and have tried to get a Switch, but hard to come by when Nintendo have already outright stated that will never be able to keep up on demand), but the simple truth is console gaming will NEVER be on par with PC not just because of the hardware but because of the customization. Consoles just won't compete if they can't offer some sort of in-game customization to what the console can do and what the game can perform. Albeit PS4 is slowly moving into this direction with the PS4 Pro, but it still doesn't offer the features a PC game can when it comes to offering different graphic options. Until console developers start "unlocking" their games, then they just can't compete...GIVE US THE OPTIONS! For example, I really don't see why Naughty Dog couldn't have unlocked Uncharted 4 (don't get me wrong it plays amazing and is an amazing game to begin with; albeit the horrible launch motion blur which later got patched) and offered a lower resolution 1080/60p setting similar to the multiplayer....I mean it's doable on a technological standpoint, but they didn't do it because they want to show a level of degree in the game they built. It really should be up to the player to decide how they want to play even if it means cutting down the size of textures or AA when you change these settings.
@el_swanno: I wouldn't doubt it, show has turned into basically a bunch of social media dweebs gaining popularity off the show's success anyways. If I remember correctly, Connor McGreggor was also supposed to make an appearance.
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