Hey all....I bought a SD card today....I heard that you can play music and movie files on your wii using your SD card if it is in a type of file that the wii can recognize...I also heard that you can convert movie files using Wii VIdy 9 by Red Kawa....my question is...after you convert the video how do I get the movie ONTOthe SD card? and wen I turn on my Wii...how do i listen to my music?...and my movies?
well...I went at 11:30 at night launch night....the ppl told me I couldnt get one....so I lost all hope...so I woke up at 8...and told me dad "yo dad lets go try our luck" so we went to Toys R us...at 9 30....store opened at 10...and I was #63 on line out of 80 xP....and within....3 hours? I got my Wii Zelda and a Wiimote
Life is good :)
Got a PS3...like after 2 months...It took me a couple of mins to ring it up xD..
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