hey i want to make this blog about me and my best friend tori my twin!
How we met
I met Tori on the first day on 6th grade, she ran into me she was in 7th and i was in 6th but we luaghed at ecah other and said hi, we started talking and i lreaned that she had oved from an oter county and she didnt have any friends here and i said she had just made one ever since weve been best friends and she helped me and i heloed her and we realized that we were like twins! and we hung out everyday after school
This year
well this is our last year together for a year since tori is a year older than me she is going to high school and im not, we decied to try out for the soccer team and we both made it! im #21 and shes #12 werid huh? anyway were trying to spend time together since i woun see her much next year
our mottos!
- "If you see a spider, make sure it its in your shoe"
- "If your scared dont scream, unless you want an accident"
- "When spell banana remember the gwen song"
Peace Peoples- NbbRockGirl