today instead of spending the whole day on my mom made me clean the whole house, :roll: i hate to clean! i coudnt get on because my mom wouldnt let me i just got the computer now and Milkacholic and left :( !! my brother had stolen my laptop too. anyway im going to do stuff like yugaton and ksboy do it called Rockgirls Reasons. here my first post I made the top Contributors on the NBB Show! I will become the editor my the end of the year! (i hope)
Rockgirls Reasons
quote of the day
You can't kill him when hes wearing people choltes!- Homer Simpson
Song of the day
Hate (i really don't like you)- Plain white t's
Avatars of the day!
Firends of the week!
1. Milkachloic (probably always gonna be in this spot)
2. KsBoy
3. Crzza
4. Yugaton
5. AndreaMskate
Peace Peoples!- NbbRockGirl