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Hey guys, today i went to walmart yes I know Silver I shoyuld have stayed home resting, anyway i went on those eletric wheel hcair things, it was fun! :P I went through all the store,a nd when i went to get some mini doughnuts, i crashed into something and the cleaning person got all mad untill he saw i was crippled, hmmmm I might start to go all crazy with my new found power! :twisted: Anyway im back home, and tomorrow I have to go back to school, only 12 long days left! here is a quiz i found

~Ultimate Girl Survey~

Bold all that apply

I have at least five purses

I can't wait to get married

And I'm always looking for more

I love the smell of Axe

I love it when a guy lets me wear his sweatshirt

I love going to the beach

My cellphone never leaves my sight

I've dyed my hair before

I've color coordinated my clothes before

I go shopping at least once a week

I have clothes I've never worn and still have the tags

I've been to a tanning bed

A guy has called me cute

A guy has called me pretty

A guy has called me beautiful

I've worn outfits just to get a guys attention

A guy has told me he loves me

I paint my toenails/fingernails

I can't get enough of the Notebook and A walk to remember

Speaking of which I'm in love with Noah

I wear flip-flops non-stop during the summer

I never leave the house without make-up

I want to get married more than anything

I have a digital camera

I love to take pictures

I've told a guy I thought he was cute

I've told a guy I thought he was handsome/hot

Speaking of which...Tobey Mcguire is hot!

So is Elijah wood, love those blue eyes!

My favorite scene in spider-man? Tobey's body (mirror scene)!

I've considered having cosmetic surgury

I've had my nails done before.

I've kissed a boy in the last week

I've hugged a boy in the last week (just a friend)

I have at least three pairs of flipflops

I'm obessed with love

I've had my nails done professionally before

I love to dress-up

I played with Barbies as a child

I wore my hair in ponytails as a child

I LOVE chocolate

My ears are pierced

I've had my belly button pierced

I've said I'm fat even though I'm not

I've been to Victoria's Secret before

I've been on a diet before

I've had more than three boyfriends

I've liked more than three guys at once

I don't like to get dirty

I've had a make-over before

I buy gossip/fashion magazines

I know how to sew, knit, crosstitch etc.

I've color coordinated the clothes in my closet

I have a mirror in my purse

I NEED my lipgloss

Hmm Im not much of a girl oh who cares really? Im Angie! :P

Peace Peoples- NbbRockGirl


P.S. Yay for NbbDragonFan :D