Why did Nintendo change the release date?When the release was on 3 december i was inpatient and excited.What am i gonna do now
Metroid in my opinion is better than Halo-In Metroid you have the fantastic wiimote-Metroid is legendary-Halo only have a few years -Halo is a bad copy of Halo, made from bads copiers (xbox)-WII ROCKS
Obioussly Wailuigi .whats that a polimerization from wario and luigi?its horrible what a terrible ideadoh
I think the most exciting newcomers of online games should be-Mario and Sonic at THe Olimpics Games-Super Smash bb-Mario strikers Charged (is already online)-and i hope LiNKS cROSSBOW Training will be online
need for speed carbon , spiderman3, ransformers, spongebob cfkk , red seel and exite truck are the worst games ever
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