nice try clawboy, but the PS3's graphics almost ALWAYS seem to be washed out with blurry textures. Just face the fact that BR is overrated for gaming and that the Cell isn't this be all, end all processor Sony led you on to believe it was.
wow.....those general load times really suck hard. :lol: I don't see why anyone would want to even consider shelling out $400 for a drive that hardly reduces the loading time.
I don't really see how they can say the difference is only visible in RSV2. So many of those games look far better on the 360 based off of this comparison. I really love how objects far off in the distance look fat and ugly on the PS3 version where as they look as they should on the 360 version. The texture difference is simply astounding and I honestly could not believe how nasty GTA4 looks on the PS3 (and it suppose to look better how?) when compared to the 360 version. Jaggies everywhere and washed out colors ruin the visual quality. People use to claim that MS had their hand in GS's pocket, but now it seems as if Sony's forking over some bills to get opinions swayed in their direction.
"Jinoru Halo 2 on the PC is going to rock. PC gamers will be able to play with people on their Xboxes. thats why i am excited"'re horribly illinformed. :lol:
WOW!!! It's really something else when you can actually see a company dig it's own grave.....I hardly doubt that the Playstation name will even pull it through this laughable move by Sony....:lol:
Nedemis' comments