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Nehpets2143 Blog

Grand Theft Auto IV

I got the PS3 special edition the day it came out, played off & on for a week, finished the story missions and now all that's left is to do everything else. Shooting pidgeons, doing stunts et.c, et.c.

The Bourne Ultimatum

Yesterday I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum, which I must say was awesome. The fight scenes, the chase scenes, the scene where [spoiler] Bourne gets Landy to meet him as a means to get the BlackBriar head to leave his office so Bourne can access his safe, I especially love how he called him from his own office [/spoiler] .


When Bad Luck Strikes

Today my sister went to the local shopping centre/mall, being Friday the 13th, she happened to lose her wallet in Borders. Which means she lost her driver's licence, debit card, student ID, library card, video hire card and about $60. Tonight she was going to meet her friends at restaurant, so she cant buy any alcohol because as I said she lost her driver's licence (her only age confirming ID).

How's that for bad luck?


Rating: 3/5

On Saturday 30th of June I went to see Transformers, wasn't half bad but centered too much on the action. Though of course I loved the references to the televison series/Original animated movie, I won't go into detail because you can go see it yourself. But don't expect too much from it, it could have been better. [spoiler] When we first "meet" Bumblebee, he "attacks" a Volkswagon Beetle. In the origina series Bumblebee was a Volkswagon Beetle. [/spoiler]

When power-lines attack

Don't you just hate it when your on the computer surfing the web and the cabling that attaches your house to the power-lines, falls out and loudly burns a hole in your front lawn, inteerrupting the electricity flow into your house so that you have wait an hour to get it back.

That's what happens when the cable has been there for over 30 years.


When browsers attack

Today only a few minutes ago I was plagued by my browser cutting out and refusing to reconnect. By now you might have guessed it, I have AOL. But I shouldn't complain too much sunce it was much worse back when had Dial-up. Before april last year. Nehpets2143 out.

Hello TV, insert Probie

As is all too obvious this is my post, numero uno, for A smart person would know that the term probie(if I spelt it correctly) is a reference to NCIS where Tony calls McGee "Probie" indicating that he is "The New Guy" as am I. yours truly Nehpets2143