Nehpets2143 Blog
The Bourne Ultimatum
by Nehpets2143 on Comments
Yesterday I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum, which I must say was awesome. The fight scenes, the chase scenes, the scene where [spoiler] Bourne gets Landy to meet him as a means to get the BlackBriar head to leave his office so Bourne can access his safe, I especially love how he called him from his own office [/spoiler] .
When Bad Luck Strikes
by Nehpets2143 on Comments
Today my sister went to the local shopping centre/mall, being Friday the 13th, she happened to lose her wallet in Borders. Which means she lost her driver's licence, debit card, student ID, library card, video hire card and about $60. Tonight she was going to meet her friends at restaurant, so she cant buy any alcohol because as I said she lost her driver's licence (her only age confirming ID).
How's that for bad luck?
by Nehpets2143 on Comments
Rating: 3/5
On Saturday 30th of June I went to see Transformers, wasn't half bad but centered too much on the action. Though of course I loved the references to the televison series/Original animated movie, I won't go into detail because you can go see it yourself. But don't expect too much from it, it could have been better. [spoiler] When we first "meet" Bumblebee, he "attacks" a Volkswagon Beetle. In the origina series Bumblebee was a Volkswagon Beetle. [/spoiler]
Hopes and Prayers for BB's recovery
by Nehpets2143 on Comments
All our prayers are with her. cgarcia82's blog.
An Update on BB.
When power-lines attack
by Nehpets2143 on Comments
That's what happens when the cable has been there for over 30 years.
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